I'm not talking to you!

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*Qian Xi P.O.V*

The next day while having class suddenly my neighbor pass me a paper. I look at her but she is not looking at me. I take the paper from her and take a look at it.


I am not able to change the seating with Professor Han. You will have to endure with this weird person for the whole semester. But do not worry, I won't spread my weirdness to you.

If you need to talk to me just write me a note, I will reply on that.

Xiao Yang


I look at her after finish reading the note. This girl does have her temper, she really is angry at my words yesterday. But I never think much about it and thought it would be fine after a few day.

But 2 week pass and she is not talking to me at all. When I ask her something all she does is just pass me a paper and motion me to write them down and she will reply me on the paper.

When her friends is not around she will have her earplug on and start self-studying. Even though I do not like to talk to people, but she is making me feel so bad at my own words!

Finally I can't take it and write a note to her!


Me: Hey, you really angry that I call you weird?

Xiao Yang: I am not weird!

Me: Okay okay, I'm sorry.

Xiao Yang: Apology accepted.

Me: So you can talk to me now?

Xiao Yang: No!

Me: Why?

Xiao Yang: Because weirdness will spread to you if I talk to you!

Me: You are still angry, aren't you?

Xiao Yang: No!

Me: So what you want me to do in order to talk to me?

Xiao Yang: XX Game, beta account!

Me: You just want a beta account for this new game?

Xiao Yang: Yes!

Me: Okay, no problem. So you will talk to me now?

Xiao Yang: No! Get me the beta account first.

Me: Okay, wait a moment.


I call Xiao Kai and Yuan over to talk about the new game beta account that Xiao Yang wanted.

Yuan: What's up couz?

Me: I need a beta account for our newly develop game.

Xiao Kai: Why?
Me: Because Xiao Yang want it.

Yuan: Why?

Me: Because is a deal between me and her.

Xiao Kai: What deal?

I tell the whole story to them and both of them look at each other.

Yuan: No, I'm not giving it to her~

Me: Why? I am one of the developer of the game, I have say in this right!

Xiao Kai: Why do you want to talk to her so badly?

Me: No, I just feel that I am being make like an invisible man when I try to talk to her. I don't like the feel of it, so I try to make her talk to me, that's it.

Yuan: I'm still not giving it~

Me: Please, give it to me...

Xiao Kai: Yuan, just give it to Qian Xi.

After much pleading, Yuan finally give me the beta account and I pass it to Xiao Yang. She is very happy when receiving the account and finally she talk to me again.

Xiao Yang: Because you give me this beta account, I will talk to 3 of you again. Furthermore, I am not weird just that my fashion sense is different only, okay!

Yuan: Okay okay, we get it.

Xiao Kai: Why do you want this beta account so badly?

Xiao Yang: I have been waiting for this to release, now it is release only beta account is allow to play. I do not have money to pay for a beta account that is why I ask for it as a deal.

Me: You love that game so much?

Xiao Yang: Yes! The character in it all is so nice and their attire is really pretty as well. I love the designer who design the whole layout and the character in it. You know what, I plan to be a game designer myself after graduate.

Yuan: You know what? The layout and character is all design by...

Xiao Xi: Xiao Yang, are you going now or what?

Xiao Yang: Sorry I have to go and thanks for the beta account! Appreciate it, bye~

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