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*Xiao Yang P.O.V*

Both I and Qian Xi had been locked in his room for 4 days already. Every day we will be given food and water, besides that nothing is given to us. Daily both of us will read books, do some sketching, watch TV and chit-chatting.

Daily Qian Xi will plead his mum to let us out, but we never get what we wanted. Even so we understand each other better now and after the incident on the first night, I feel he is really a good guy.

He did not take advantage on me even he, himself is on medication as well. This few day I will wake up early than him and look at him while he is still in slumber.

I do not know why but I really like to see his sleeping face. To be exact I enjoy it, when I see it I will smile like an idiot. Today as usual I wake up early than him, I went to the toilet to clean myself and then I heard a knock on the door.

I walk to the door and it open! I quickly turn to go over to Qian Xi but I was grab by the person outside. That person pull me out of the room and close the door.

QX Mum: Xiao Yang.

Me: Aunt Yi!

QX Mum: I'm sorry I had to lock you with Qian Xi for so many days.

Me: I understand, but can you let us out? I don't think this is working for us...

QX Mum: Are you sure? I think it is working perfectly fine~

Me: It is?

Then Qian Xi mother show me some picture of us together and few picture that I wake up looking at him and smiling like an idiot.

Me: I really look like that?

QX Mum: Yes. Actually I did not plan anything when I first saw you. But to be honest I really fond of you. After the incident in the kitchen I feel that both of you have some feeling for each other but do not realize it. That is why I plan this out to let both of you realize your feeling for each other. But my stupid son seems like still have not realize it yet...

Me: To be honest I do not know what it is that I am feeling right now...

QX Mum: *wicked smile* You will know tonight. I am unlocking the room now, there will be no one except for you and Qian Xi in the house later on. You will be able to walk freely in the house but you can't go out of the mansion.

After that Qian Xi mother walk out of the mansion. I try to look around for people but true enough there is no people around. When Qian Xi wake up I told him what his mother said to me. For that whole day we just stick together.

Nothing really happen during the day. But at night, after dinner I suddenly have a bad premonition. I requested Qian Xi to stay by my side all the time as I don't feel good at all.

He agree to stay with me all the time and assure me that nothing is going to happen. He went to take a shower in his room and I follow him back to his room as well. While waiting for him to finish shower I watch the TV.

Suddenly the window is wide open and few man in black crawl in! I try to scream but one of the man close my mouth and prevent me from screaming!

Man A: Brother, this little girl is quite pretty~ I think we have free meal today~

Man B: Good idea~

I shiver at their conversation, I bite the man hand and run over to the wash room and keep knocking and calling out for Qian Xi. But soon I am being covered by the man hand again. Then I am being dragged to the bed!

At this time Qian Xi walked out and saw what happening.

Qian Xi: Hey! What do you plan to do! Let go of the girl!

Man C: Shit, there is a guy here!

But without notice there is another man behind Qian Xi and he hit him with something hard and after that capture him immediately. Slowly the man unbutton my clothes and all that Qian Xi can do is scream at them. But all he get is punches from the man.

Then the man who is try to harass me stop and get down of the bed.

Man A: Brother hold this girl first. You are damn noisy! I can't enjoy my meal now!

Then I saw him taking his gun out and point to Qian Xi forehead!

Me: No! Don't kill him! All you want is me only right? Just drag him out and it will be silence already!

Qian Xi: Xiao Yang, are you stupid! You know what he is going to do to you don't you! Just kill me if you can spare the girl.

Man A: Dang it! Both of you are so noisy!

Then he pull the trigger and shoot Qian Xi! Then all I saw is a pool of blood on the floor and Qian Xi lay on the floor motionless...

That moment I scream and cry, I keep on struggling to go over to Qian Xi side. The man let go of me and I run over to Qian Xi immediately. I cry to my heart content, at that time I realize what it is that I am feeling this few day...

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