Under Probation~

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*Xiao Yang P.O.V*

After 10 minutes of conversation, we hang up.

Qian Xi: Do you believe me now?

Me: Okay, how about not meeting me for the last few weeks?

Qian Xi: It is because I am trying to finish of my individual project as soon as possible. So I sacrifice meeting you for few weeks. After I am done with it then I can meet you whenever I want.

Me: Oh...

Qian Xi: So we are not breaking up right?

Me: No, we are still breaking up...

Qian Xi: Why?

Me: Because you did not properly tell me what happen that is why such thing happen.

Qian Xi: If I promise that such thing won't happen again?

Me: Okay, but you are under 3 months' probation now~

Qian Xi: What? Probation?

Me: Not willing? Then we just break up then~

Qian Xi: No! I'm willing! 3 months only, I will definitely pass!

The next day we bought the earliest flight and went back to Beijing. Once we are back in the dorm, the other 4 keeps on asking us question.

Me: He is still under probation, so if he does not pass he will be fired~

Xiao Kai: Xiao Yang, I give you a big LIKE~

Me: Thanks~

Qian Xi: I will definitely pass~

Since both of our individual project already done, except going to classes we have nothing much to do. Today is weekend again and Qian Xi message me early in the morning.

Qian Xi: Morning, wake up already?

Me: Yes, anything?

Qian Xi: We are going for a date today, be prepare by 9AM.

Me: Okay.

After done preparation I went downstairs to wait for Qian Xi but unexpected by me, he already there waiting for me.

Me: *look at my watch* Am I late already?

Qian Xi: No, it's just that I came here earlier only.

Me: Oh, let's go then. Where are you bringing me?

Qian Xi: Just follow me, you will like it I promise.

I follow him to his car and we start our journey. The journey is quite long and I fall asleep during the journey.

Qian Xi: Xiao Yang, wake up we already reach.

Me: *open my eyes* We reach already?

Qian Xi: Yes, come let's get down now.

We get down from the car and Qian Xi grab my hand as I follow him behind. Suddenly I can smell nice smell of various flower. Then when we walk closer, I saw a field of flower in front of me! I run over to enjoy the scenery~

Qian Xi: Do you like it?

Me: *nod and smile*

For the whole afternoon we stay there to enjoy the scenery, taking picture and chit-chatting. I went over to the flower field to enjoy the scenery again with Qian Xi following behind me. When I turn to talk to him suddenly he kneel down.

Me: What are you doing?

Qian Xi: *smile and take out a box* Will you marry me?

Me: You are joking right?

Qian Xi: No, I am not.

Me: But we only know each other for less than half year and had been together for less than 3 months. Are you sure?

Qian Xi: Duration does not matter, what's matter is I am sure you are the one.

Me: You really sure?

Qian Xi: Yes, I am sure. Will you marry me?

Me: *nod with tears*

Then he put the ring into my finger and hug me. After that, the gang appear out of nowhere to celebrate. After that all of us return to the old mansion to deliver the good news to the Qian Xi family member.

All of them are very excited about the news and Qian Xi mother already start to plan for a wedding reception.

Me: *nudge Qian Xi* Isn't this going way too fast?

Qian Xi: Nope, after graduation I will have no time for wedding matter. So doing it now is perfect~

Me: My parents will definitely kill me when they know about this...

Qian Xi: Don't worry they won't. We are going back to Wuhan tomorrow.

Me: What? Tomorrow?

Qian Xi: Yes, we are going back to inform them about our wedding.

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