Mother's Plan

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*Xiao Yang P.O.V*

After done with the cake, Qian Xi mum ask me to rest at the living room while she have something to attend to. I walk to the living room and saw Qian Xi sitting alone reading books.

Me: Hey~

Qian Xi: *look over* Done with the cake?

Me: Yeah~ Where is Xiao Kai and Xiao Ying?

Qian Xi: Upstairs in Xiao Kai room.

Me: Xiao Kai room?

Qian Xi: Playing games.

Me: I see...

Qian Xi: Do you like flowers?

Me: Yes, I love them very much~

Qian Xi: *put down his book* Come follow me, I'm sure you will like this place.

I follow him walk pass the dining room, then the kitchen and walk out of the mansion. After around 5 minutes of walking we reach a greenery. He open the door and invite me to go in.

When I walk in I can smell the flower smell. It is so nice, then I can see all different kind of flower and color in there.

Me: This place is really nice~

Qian Xi: Glad you like it, this is my grandma garden. She love flower so much that my grandpa build this for her so that she can plant every kind of flower that she like regardless of the weather.

Me: Your grandfather really love your grandmother a lot~

Qian Xi: Yes, they really love each other a lot. Want to hear story of how they meet?

Me: Sure~

I found a place to sit down and Qian Xi start to tell me the story of his grandparents. After he had done with the story I feel unbelievable.

Me: Your grandparent's story really sound like those novel story!

Qian Xi: Yes, I know but it is all real.

Me: But I am glad they can be together at last~ I wish I had someone like that to love me~

Qian Xi: You don't have boyfriend?

Me: Me? Of course not, the way I look you think guy will like me? Even you deem that I am weird as first, don't you remember?

Qian Xi: Sorry for that...

Me: No worry, it is okay~ I heard from your mother that you did not have a girlfriend at all? Why?

Qian Xi: Erm, because I have not meet the one?

Me: At first I thought you should have a lot of girlfriends before until your mother told me.

Qian Xi: Why do you think so? Because of?

Me: Because you are handsome of course! You can get any girl easily~

Qian Xi: Yes, I do have a lot of girls confessing to me but I do not know them and I don't like them... I can't be with them because they are easy to get right?

Me: You are right!

We stay in the greenery to chat for around an hour then Qian Xi mother come in with tea and cake.

Me: Wah, it is so nice to have tea in here~

QX Mum: Yeah, I feel so~

We stay there for another half an hour having tea and chit-chatting. Suddenly I feel myself getting sleepier. Within a minute I fall asleep and when I wake up again I am already inside a room.

Then I look to my side and found Qian Xi is sleeping beside me. I shake to wake him up, he look very blur when he sees me.

Qian Xi: Why are we in my room?
Me: I'm not sure, when I wake up we already in here.

Then Qian Xi stand up and walk to the door to try to open it to go out but it seems like the door had already lock. Then suddenly a voice rang over the room.

QX Mum: Yi Yang Qian Xi, just give up. I had already lock your room and window. You can't go out from this room unless I let you.

Qian Xi: Mum! What are you doing!

QX Mum: No worry, we will serve your food so you won't starve.

Qian Xi: Mum! I am not asking about food, why are you doing this! Let us out this instance! Mum!

QX Mum: You know what I wanted, Qian Xi.

Qian Xi: Mum!

After that, there is no more replying for Qian Xi mother.

Qian Xi: I'm sorry I had to drag you in this situation...

Me: It is okay, but what your mother wanted so badly that she had to lock us in here?

Qian Xi: Daughter-in-law...

Me: *blush*

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