Am I dreaming?

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*Qian Xi P.O.V*

After taking bath I and Xiao Yang drive to the airport to pick up both of my parents. Once reach Xiao Yang house both side parents greet each other happily and discuss about our wedding. It seems like I and Xiao Yang is no needed so we take the time to go out for a stroll.

Xiao Yang: Am I really getting marry with you?

Me: Yes, why ask?

Xiao Yang: It's too dreamy already... A year ago I still do not have a boyfriend now I am going to get marry!

Me: So are you happy?

Xiao Yang: I am happy, but isn't it too fast already?

Me: Nope, it's not fast at all.

Xiao Yang: Tell you something, actually I got accepted into Shanghai and Beijing University at the same time.

Me: So why did you choose to go to Beijing instead?

Xiao Yang: Because Mao Ze Dong told me so~

Me: What?

Xiao Yang: *laugh* When I receive both letter, I really can't decide at all. So I let my wallet decide it, if the note I take out is red than I'm going to Beijing if other color then I'm going to Shanghai.

Me: So you got red color and come to Beijing then?

Xiao Yang: *nod and laugh*

Me: Lucky you got red color if not we will never have the chance to meet each other.

Xiao Yang: I wonder if I go to Shanghai what will happen to me~

Me: One thing for sure, you won't meet this handsome guy~

Xiao Yang: *laugh and nod*

We stroll around while enjoying the view, after a while we went back to the house. We had dinner together that night and the next morning we drive back to Beijing.

After that we continue to attend classes as normal. During weekends Xiao Yang will come over to my house to prepare for the wedding reception. Actually all she have to do is just to agree or disagree only.

While for me, during weekends I will be busy with works as grandfather wanted 3 of us to familiarize with the company before taking over. So Xiao Yang will normally stay the night during weekends so that we can meet each other. Today as usual I am working in my room when suddenly Xiao Yang come in.

Xiao Yang: Can you stop for a while?

Me: *stop and turn to look at her*

Xiao Yang: *pouting*

Me: *smile* What is it?

Xiao Yang: I am so tired with all the preparation...

Then I walk over to her side and massage on her shoulder to help her relax a bit.

Me: I know it is not easy for you to handle by yourself.

Xiao Yang: I know you are busy with taking over the company soon. I just wanted to complain to let out my stress that all. I still have both Xiao Ying and Xiao Xi to help me as well.

Me: Yes, it's good that you still have both of them to help out.

Then there is a knock on the door and open after that.

Mom: Qian Xi, free up your time on next weekend.

Me: Why? But I have a lot to do...

Mom: I already talk to your father and grandfather, they agree to give you off for 2 day.

Me: Okay, if both of them say so but what are we going to do?

Mom: Photoshoot~

Me: Oh.

Then my mother left the room and I continue to work while Xiao Yang take out some paper and start to do some drawing. When the next time I look at the time it is already 12AM! I close my laptop and plan to get some sleep.

But when I turn around I saw someone laying on the table fast asleep. I shake my head and walk over to her side. I hug her princess style and slowly put her on the bed and cover her with blankets. Yes, we had been sleeping together after we confirm our wedding but of course it is just sleeping together only.


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