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*Xiao Yang P.O.V*

Our final semester had start, but due to both of our course does not have same subject in this semester we rarely meet in school. But we make it a point to meet during weekend.

This semester is quite relaxing for us as we do not have examination all we need to do is just submit individual project to our lecturer. At first both me and Qian Xi will meet regularly when we have time.

But this week start, whenever I ask to meet he will tell me he is not free to meet. I understand as he might have something on hand. That is why I never say anything at all, but for 3 weeks continuously we did not meet each other.

When I ask both Xiao Kai and Yuan they just tell me the exact same answer that Qian Xi told me. Well, he really is that busy until he does not have time for me at all? Since we are not meeting I take the time to finish off my individual project.

Today as usual I am alone in the dorm as both Xiao Ying and Xiao Xi when out to meet with Xiao Kai and Yuan. To be honest I really envy them as they can meet with the person they love while I can't. Suddenly my stomach hurts a lot.

I guess I had eaten something that had expired and now it causes me food poisoning. At first, I did not care much I just eat some medicine, but it is getting more and more pain. I had no choice but to go to the hospital.

While I was waiting for my turn to see the doctor, I accidentally saw Qian Xi. I feel weird as no one knows that I went to the hospital. While I wanted to walk over to him suddenly I saw a girl at his side. They look so intimate!

I tell myself that maybe I see the wrong person? With that thought I went nearer to them and heard the girl call him "Qian Xi"! When I look closely, I realize that the girl is pregnant! Is Qian Xi is the father of the baby? Why did he confess to me when he already has a girlfriend?

Why did he lie to me? Why did he wanted to break my heart! At that moment, I feel so heartbroken... Am I the third party? So he does not have time for me is because of the need to accompany this girl?

I can't hold myself so I squat down and cried to myself. Suddenly there is a tap on my shoulder, when I look back there is this cleaning auntie looking at me. She keeps on asking me what happen? Did I hurt anywhere?

I ignore her question and keeps on crying. After that I walk outside forgetting the purpose that I went to the hospital. When I walked out, a big rain suddenly come. Funny, right? It's really looks like those idol dramas in TV.

I did not care of the rain and aimlessly I just keep on walking. Without I realize I had reach the girls dorm. When I open the door both Xiao Ying and Xiao Xi is already back. They saw me and keeps on asking what happen to me.

I do not want them to worry about me so I smile to them and say I forget to take the umbrella. I change into dry clothes then lay on my bed. I use the blanket to cover myself and in there silently my tears keeps on dropping.

I am not sure how long I had been crying but I fall asleep after that until a pain wakes me up. I feel that my stomach is so pain that I had to curl up like shrimp. Maybe Xiao Ying heard me she wakes up and ask me what happen.

She touches my forehead and she scream for Xiao Xi to call the ambulance. According to her I am having high fever. I am conscious until the ambulance come and I fainted after that. When I wake up again, I feel that I can't really move as there is some pain from my stomach and I am having drip as well.

Qian Xi: Don't move around you just had operation.

Me: What operation?

Qian Xi: Appendicitis and you are having fever at 40 degrees.

Me: Oh, where is Xiao Ying and Xiao Xi.

Qian Xi: They went out to buy some drinks.

All I do is just nod and then suddenly the door open and I am glad to see both girls. I motion to them to come over to my side and I whisper something to their ears. They look surprise by my request but I plead them to do so.


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