Meet Parent - In - Law

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*Xiao Yang P.O.V*

The next day early in the morning we drive back to Wuhan. Before going back I call my mom to tell them first.

Mom: Hello?

Me: Mom, is me Xiao Yang.

Mom: Xiao Yang~ How are you doing in Beijing? Everything good?

Me: Yes, I am fine. Mom, I'm coming home today.

Mom: Today? But you have not finish your term right? What time? I let your father go to the train station to fetch you.

Me: Yes, my term not finish and no need to ask dad to come to fetch me. I'm driving home.

Mom: Drive? When did you buy a car?

Me: Mom, it's not mine. Is my boyfriend's car. He will drive me back to Wuhan, and mom please don't get shocked by what I am going to tell you later on.

Mom: Oh, you have a boyfriend? Okay, okay, I'm calming down now.

Me: Mom, he already propose to me and his family already start to plan for the wedding reception. That is why we are coming back today.

There is a silent moment after I tell my mother about it.

Me: Hello? Mom? Are you there?

Mom: Yess, I'm here... You are not kidding right?

Me: No....

Mom: I'm going to tell your father, but be ready for a harsh meet up ya!

Me: Yes, I know...

At around 7PM finally we reach at my house, it had been a long drive for Qian Xi. My mom come out to welcome us.

Mom: Finally both of you reach safely. It must be very tiring for you to drive all the way from Beijing to here.

Qian Xi: It's okay.

Me: Mom, he is Yi Yang Qian Xi. Qian Xi, this is my mom.

Qian Xi: How are you auntie?

Mom: I'm fine, what a handsome guy~

Qian Xi: Thanks.

Mom: Come don't stand here let's go in~

We when into the house, and I realize my father is sitting in the living room watching TV.

Mom: 老头, they are back~

Dad: En...

Me: Dad, this is Yi Yang Qian Xi.

Qian Xi: Uncle, you can call me Qian Xi.

Dad: En...

Me: Dad can you talk more?

Dad: Let's eat dinner.

Ugh! My dad with his little kids emotion again... For the whole night my dad is trying to find trouble with Qian Xi but luckily Qian Xi EQ is so high. The next morning when I wake up my dad and Qian Xi is not at home.

Me: Mom? Where is dad and Qian Xi?

Mom: They went for jogging early in the morning.

Me: What? Qian Xi drove all the way from Beijing to Wuhan can't dad let him sleep more?

Mom: Well, your dad is not fond of Qian Xi now since he is going to take away his daughter.

Me: What? It's not like I am not going to come back forever... I'm just marrying out only...

Mom: But for your father it is like taking something that he cherish all this time. Of course he had to know if this person will really cherish his beloved daughter or not, right?

Me: *nod*

Then I heard the front door being open and both my dad and Qian Xi chatting happily! Both I and my mom look at each other disbelieve at what we saw! After my dad when to take bath I immediately grab Qian Xi to the kitchen.

Me: What happen? Yesterday he is still showing his father face to you but today he is becoming so friendly to you?

Qian Xi: Well, he ask me about my plan after graduation.

Me: So?

Qian Xi: I told him that after graduation will get marry and within 1 or 2 year will have baby.

Me: And?

Qian Xi: That's it. After that he chat with me happily

Me: That's it? What is my dad thinking?

Qian Xi: Not sure~ Next time I think is better we have son rather than daughter.

Me: Why?

Qian Xi: Because I am sure my daughter won't be able to get marry when she grow old.

Me: *roll eyes* So that's mean you already settle my father?

Qian Xi: Yeap, all is done~ My parent will come over today to talk about the wedding.

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