Misunderstanding, is that good or bad?

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*Xiao Yang P.O.V*

Qian Xi bring me back to my own room and wait for me to clean myself before escorting me to the dining room. Once in the dining room, all of the people gaze fall on both of us.

Me: Morning?

Then all of them smile at me and continue what they we doing. I suddenly feel that something is not right, I nudge Xiao Ying and ask her what is happening when I sit next to her.

Xiao Ying: Qian Xi mom told the whole table that both of you are sleeping together last night~ She seems quite happy with it as well~

Me: I just accidentally sleep walk into his room and stay the night there only...

Xiao Ying: Is it? Well I guess you can't easily get out of this misunderstanding~

I let out a sigh and start having my breakfast. Qian Xi on my side nudge me and I look at him.

Qian Xi: *whisper* Sorry...

Me: *whisper* For what?

Qian Xi: *whisper* About my mother...

Me: *whisper* No worry, it is okay.

After breakfast at first we plan to go back to the dorm, but both Yuan and Qian Xi mother stop us from going back and ask us to stay for another night. I understand that why Yuan mother wanted to ask us to stay buy why Qian Xi mother as well?

We agree to stay another night and Qian Xi mother ask me to help her to bake a cake. I immediately agree to it as I like baking as well.

Yuan and Xiao Xi when out for dating, since Xiao Ying is left alone she follow us to the kitchen as well.

QX Mum: Both of you like baking as well?

Xiao Ying: Xiao Yang like baking but not me~

QX Mum: I see, so what do you like?

Xiao Ying: I like knitting~

QX Mum: Oh, Xiao Kai mother like knitting as well. Maybe you can ask her for advise next time~

Xiao Ying: Oh is it? Good~

After a while Xiao Ying get bored and leave the kitchen to look for the boys. I and Qian Xi mother continue with baking. Actually Qian Xi mother is quite nice, we talk about a lot of stuff.

QX Mum: You know when Qian Xi is around 3 years old he already give a girl some flower~

Me: Oh? So small he already start to court girl?

Then suddenly someone tap on my shoulder when I turn over to look, a hand poke on my face with cream on it.

Qian Xi: I did not okay...

Me: Hey, why did you put cream on me!?

Qian Xi: *smile*

QX Mum: You really give flower to the old maid at our house. She use to take care of you when you are small, I remember that day is Mother's Day so you pick a flower at your grandma garden and give it to her.

Qian Xi: Oh I remember that, but mom can you not tell it like I already start to court girl at small age...

QX Mum: Well, it's not my problem that people misunderstand you~ Come Xiao Yang here some tissue, wipe off the cream on your face.

I take the tissue and try to wipe off all the cream on my face. But seems like I make it worst as both Qian Xi and his mum laugh at me.

Qian Xi: Now you look like a mouse trying to steal food~ *laugh so hard*

Me: Where?

QX Mum: Qian Xi, help her with it.

Qian Xi nod and when over to my side. He take the tissue out of my hand and help me to wipe of the cream. My heart beats so fast suddenly, it might be of our distance is too close.

After done, he turn around to leave the kitchen.

QX Mum: Qian Xi, why did you come here?

Qian Xi: Oh, I thought you need help but seems like you found yourself a better helper~ So Xiao Yang I'm leaving my mom for you~ Thanks ya~

Then he walk out of the kitchen, I'm not sure why but I can feel that both of my cheeks is burning. I shake of the feeling and continue working on the cake.

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