Token of Appreciation

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*Xiao Yang P.O.V*

After getting back to the dorm I immediately open my laptop and login to the game using the beta account that Qian Xi give to me.

Then I start to play and as expected it is way more fun than the previous game I played before. But since this is still a testing environment, there is still a lot to improve.

I jot down the point on how to improve in a notebook while playing the game. The next day when I went in to the classroom I saw Qian Xi is already there.

When I walk closer I realize he is sleeping with his earplug on. What did he do to make himself this tired that he can sleep so soundly early morning like this? Being a mischievous kid since small I scare him and he wake up with his blur face.

Qian Xi: *blur* Yeah?

Me: Did you become a thief last night?

Qian Xi: I have something to do that's why I stay up late.

Me: Oh, nah take it.

Qian Xi: What's this?

Me: Token of appreciation of the beta account you give me yesterday.

Qian Xi: Oh, can I see later? I really need some sleep now before the lecturer come in...

Me: Okay, just remember to take a look.

He nodded then when back to his slumber. I plug in my earplug as well and while listening to music I start to continue practicing my drawing skills. I look around but there is nothing for me to draw when I look to my side I saw his sleeping face.

Me: Maybe I can draw you?

I slowly start to draw his feature and then the lecturer come in and I close my sketch book. After the class end, I went over to the lake. Take a seat at a big tree that provide shade.

As usual I plug in my earplug and take out my sketch book and start sketching. The weather is so nice today, halfway sketching I felt so sleepy and soon enough I fall asleep under the tree.

I am not sure how long had I fallen asleep, when I wake up the time and look at my watch it's already 5PM in the afternoon. I immediately keep my books and when back to the dorm.

When I reach the dorm, I can hear both Xiao Ying and Xiao Xi arguing about something.

Xiao Xi: No Wang Yuan is more handsome!

Xiao Ying: Wang Jun Kai is more handsome!

Me: Hey! What are you 2 arguing about? I can hear it outside our dorm.

Xiao Xi: Xiao Yang, you tell us who is more handsome? Wang Yuan or Wang Jun Kai?

Me: Har? Both of you argue because of this?

Xiao Ying: This is important, okay! Faster tell us, who is more handsome?

Me: Erm? Yi Yang Qian Xi?

Xiao Ying: Ar? For real?

Me: Actually 3 of them have their own handsome point, so I can't really say out who is the most handsome. So I just choose the one that is not in it~

Xiao Xi: I don't care! Wang Yuan is more handsome!

There they go again, back to the square point. I take a shower and start playing the new game using the beta account I got from Qian Xi. Put in my earphone and start the game.

In the game, I choose a character that most girl would not choose. Because this character is not cute, is not sexy she is just plain and normal but having great skills. Just like me I am normal and plain but I do have good skills~

After playing for an hour I stop and start doing some revision before getting to sleep.

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