You are having fever, you don't know?

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*Xiao Yang P.O.V*

It had been a month pass since I join XX Company as an intern. People say intern life is the best, get pay without having much to do. But since the first day I join I had been working OT every day!

Even I have to OT every day but I learn a lot from Qian Xi about designing game layout and character. Even though he look cool most of the time, but when we talk about game it's like I had hit his button and he will talk non-stop about it.

Today as usual I have to work OT. At around 8PM my stomach suddenly growl and it seems like Qian Xi heard it too.

Qian Xi: You are hungry?

Me: *blush and nod*

Qian Xi: Go order delivery and ask the other as well.

Me: Okay, what do you want to eat?

Qian Xi: Usual.

I went out and collect order from the other and start calling for delivery. For this 1 whole month every night Qian Xi will order the same thing to eat without fail. Won't he get tired of the food?

Half an hour later the food come and I distribute the food to the other. I put the food by Qian Xi side and I start eating. But he is still working on his stuff. I can't stand it and take his laptop away from him.

Qian Xi: Hey! What are you doing?

Me: Eat your dinner first while it's still hot.

Qian Xi: Okay, but give me back my laptop.

Me: No, eat first!

Qian Xi: Then you help me to save it first.

Me: Okay~

Then he silently eat his dinner, after done he request me to pass him back his laptop and start working on it already. Our topic mostly is about the project we are working on, we do not have much topic besides that. But it is fun working with all them together.

Today is Saturday by right I do not need to work but then I went back to the office to take something that I left here. When I walked into the office, the light is open. I am wondering who come in today?

I walk over to my desk, grab my stuff and at that time Qian Xi walk out of the meeting room.

Qian Xi: Why are you here?

Me: I come to take my stuff that I put here. Why are you here by the way?

Qian Xi: Working?

Me: But today is Saturday!

Qian Xi: I suddenly have some thinking so I come back to work on it.

Me: You are so hardworking, your cousin is around too?

Qian Xi: No, just me.

Me: Do you need help?

Qian Xi: You don't have to spend your day with family or friends?

Me: Actually no, I can stay to help you out.

Qian Xi: Well if you insist.

So I stay and help him out. After few hours in the office suddenly I feel so cold.

Me: Qian Xi, did you on the heater?

Qian Xi: Yeah, why?

Me: Why it is still cold? Is the heater spoil already?

Qian Xi: No, I feel very warm. Come let me take a look.

He put his hand onto my forehead and then give me a look that I don't like.

Qian Xi: You silly girl! You are having fever now don't you know?

Me: No, I don't feel anything...

He look at me and shake his head. Then he grab my hand and drag me to the resting room. He ask me to lay on the sofa while he take few blanket and cover over me.

Qian Xi: Sleep.

Me: But I can still help you!

Qian Xi: This is boss order, sleep now.

Me: But...

Qian Xi: No but, just sleep.

I have no choice but to sleep. I am not sure how long I had slept when suddenly someone ask me to wake up. I open my eyes and saw Qian Xi looking worried.

Me: What's happening?

Qian Xi: Your fever go up again... and now outside is having blizzards now. I can't take you to the hospital as well.

Being blur I don't really understand what he means. Then he put something into my mouth and ask me to swallow it. I do as ask and he put me down for me to sleep again. 

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