Weird Looking Girl

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*Qian Xi P.O.V*

Today is the first day of my senior year, it had been my 4th year in Beijing University taking Degree in IT, Business Information System. Together with me is my two cousin brother Wang Jun Kai and Wang Yuan.

Xiao Kai is my big uncle son while Yuan is my small uncle son. Base on my different surname you can guess that my mother is their father's sister. I am the smallest among the 3 of us.

Even though 3 of us are going to be 21 this year but Xiao Kai birthday fall on 21st September and Yuan birthday fall on 8th November while my birthday fall on 28th November.

Since small 3 of us had been together. We went to the same school, play together and play tricks on each other's. But I am really glad that I had both of them together with me since small.

Xiao Kai: Qian Xi! What are you doing! We are going to be late for the admission ceremony!

Yuan: Stop looking in the mirror and enjoy your handsomeness okay! It's going to explode soon~

Me: Hey! I did not okay!

See, I get bully all the time! But it's fun having both of them around.

Xiao Kai: Qian Xi, are you coming or not?

Me: Yes! I'm coming, wait for me!

We went for the admission ceremony and Xiao Kai prepare for the speech as a senior. Me and Yuan take a seat at the pre-assign space and sit down.

Slowly the hall is fill up with students and all the seat is being occupy. After around 10 minutes the ceremony starts with the university president giving speech follow by few other high post management level.

Yuan: Every year they talk about the same thing, aren't they tired of it?

Me: Just bear with it, it's your last year hearing it.

Yuan: Yeah, finally it's the last year already~

Me: Hey, Xiao Kai up next!

Xiao Kai went up to the stage and start his speech. Then we can hear that almost all the girls is cheering for him. Yeap, Xiao Kai is one of the most handsome guy in the university. Of course I and Yuan is in the list as well.

Girl A: Hey! That's Wang Jun Kai right?

Girl B: Yes! Oh my god, he is so handsome!

Girl C: Who is he?

Girl A: Oh my god Xiao Yang! You are here 4 year already and you are asking this stupid question?

Girl B: You really should go out more, rather than stick to your computer and your game!

Girl A: Yes, I agree with Xiao Ying. He is one of the most handsome guy in our year. He is taking IT as well but different major with us.

Girl C: Oh, okay...

Since they just sit next to me I can hear the whole conversation. To be honest I am quite shock to know that there is still someone who do not know Xiao Kai. I turn to take a look at the girl besides me.

Well she does look like a nerd with big spectacle and simply tied hair. Her fashion sense is weird as well.

Me: *whisper* Is all girl who study IT look like the girl besides me?

Yuan: *take a look* I think she is a special case, look at her friends they all look normal.

I take another look at her friends and realize her friends do look way more normal than her.

Yuan: *whisper* Hey, I remember her! She is one of the top student in our faculty.

Me: Top student? Her? Well you really can't judge a book by its cover yeah.

Yuan: *nod head*

After the admission ceremony, we went back to our dorm to take a rest. Suddenly Yuan scream so loud that I had to scold him.

Me: Yuan! Can you stop screaming!

Yuan: Sorry, I am just shocked at what I just see.

Me: What did you see?
Yuan: This semester we are going to attend class with ISE Major Student.

Me: So? It's not the first time right we had to combine with different major?

Yuan: Yes, but remember the weird girl who sit next to you just now?

Me: Yeah?

Yuan: She's in it...

Me: What? Please god don't let me sit with her!

Yuan: That's why I scream! I have the same thinking as you!

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