Be yourself!

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A/N : Hi All, i am back~ Happy CNY for all of you~ Hope you all enjoy this new chapter~

*Qian Xi P.O.V*

I am shock at the moment but then I gather myself and get down from the bed. After cleaning and shower I went over to the meeting room to continue what I left out yesterday. Around an hour later, someone knock on the door.

I look up to see Xiao Yang standing there and motion me to go out. I nod to her and go out following her.

Me: You make this?

Xiao Yang: Yeap, as a token of appreciation of taking care me yesterday.

Me: No problem, but are you okay now?

Xiao Yang: Yeap, I am all right now~

Me: Come, let me check your temperature again.

She walk closer to me and let me check her temperature.

Me: Good no more fever, but why is your face so red?

Xiao Yang: Er, maybe the heater too hot?

Me: Is it?

Xiao Yang: Don't care all this detail, come eat your breakfast!

I sit down and eat the breakfast that she prepare honestly it taste good.

Me: Tasty!

Xiao Yang: Thanks~

Then I felt something is off about her. I keep on eating my breakfast and figure out what is wrong with her. Then suddenly I realize what is off with her!

Me: Where is your spec?

Xiao Ying: My spec?

Me: Yes your spec!

Xiao Ying: Oh no! I forget to wear it!

Then she run out and come back a moment later wearing her spectacle.

Me: You do not have vision problem do you?

Xiao Ying: *blush and nod*

Me: Then why did you wear that spectacle?

Xiao Ying: You know I have to work part time right?

Me: Yes, what's related to it?

Xiao Ying: When I start working part time I get arouse by male customer, so in order not to let them arouse me I decide to wear this spectacle and change my fashion as well. After that no people come and arouse me that's why I continue wearing like this...

Me: I see, your dorm-mate know about this?

Xiao Ying: *nod*

Me: Then from next Monday onwards you can be yourself again, no need to act in front of us.

Xiao Ying: Really?

Me: Yes, if anyone try to arouse you tell me I will get them fix!

Xiao Ying: *laugh* Thank you young master for taking care of me~

Both of us laugh at it and continue breakfast. After that I send her back to her dorm and leave after that. 

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