We are together~

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*Qian Xi P.O.V*

After the announcement by Yuan we chit-chat until late night. Then my mother come in to interrupt us.

Mother: Qian Xi, its late already ask your course-mate to stay the night. You know which room for them right?

Me: Yes, I know. I will bring them over later.

Mother: Good. Girls just treat it as your own home, enjoy the night~

Then my mother motion me to go out.

Me: Yes?

Mother: Is there anyone you like there?

Me: Ma!

Mother: I am just curious only, but the girl with long hair in simple dinner dress is quite pretty.

Me: You like her?

Mother: Yes, me and your father quite fond of her.

I nod to my mother then I went in to the room to continue talking with them until I saw Xiao Yang yawning then I call it a night. 3 of us escort the girls to their own room and went back to our own room after that.

While walking back to our room both Xiao Kai and Yuan ask me why did my mother ask me out just now? I told them the conversation between me and my mother and they start to tease me.

Yuan: I think 小姨can't wait for you to get marry~

Xiao Kai: Yes I think so, if not she won't tell you that she is fond of Xiao Yang.

Me: She always wanted me to find a girlfriend, this is not the first time.

Yuan: But it might be the last time~

Me: Why?

Xiao Kai: Because this is the first time 小姨told you she is fond of some girl that you know.

Me: Yeah, this really is the first time she told me about it.

Xiao Kai: Maybe you can consider Xiao Yang?

I ignore their comment and went into my room. It is true that it is the first time that my mother told me that she is fond of a girl that I know but that doesn't mean that I will like her as well, right?

I shake of the thought and went to bed after that. Suddenly I heard someone trying to open my door, as I had a habit of locking the door when I sleep alone.

I wake up and look at the time, is 3 in the morning! Who the heck, wanted to come into my room? I stand up and went to unlock the door to see who the person is. When I open the door I see Xiao Yang standing in front of me.

I look at her and realize she is still sleeping.

Me: So you have sleepwalking habit?

All she does is try to walk into my room of course I had to allow her to come into my room. I close the door and open the light to see where she is heading to. She continue to walk until she reach my bed, she get onto it and cover herself with the blanket and continue sleeping.

Me: You really want to sleep here so badly? You don't know that I can do anything to you now since that you don't realize what you had done?

I shake my head and close the light and went to bed. Since this is not the first time we sleep together I am actually okay with it. Of course I did not do anything to her. I fall asleep soon after that, I wake up when I heard someone screaming.

Me: *blur* Why did you have to scream?

Xiao Yang: Why am I here in your bed sleeping with you?

Me: You really don't remember do you?

Xiao Yang: Remember what?

Me: You sleep walk to my room and sleep after that.

Xiao Yang: Again? It's been long time since I last sleep walk. I'm sorry...

Me: No worry.

Xiao Yang: I'm going back to my room now.

Me: Do you know the way?

Xiao Yang: Er... no...

I laugh at her and ask her to wait for me to prepare then I will bring her to her room. After around 15 minutes I am done and bring her to her own room. But I had to bump into my mother during this time.

Mother: Qian Xi~

Me: Morning mum...

Mother: Oh, Xiao Yang you are here as well? *wicked smile*

Me: Mom, it's not what you think...

Mother: Well, well~ I won't bother you two~

I look at Xiao Yang and shake my head.

Me: Don't worry I will explain it to my mom.

Xiao Yang: Thanks...

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