Stay the night in office!

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*Qian Xi P.O.V*

I continue working after feeding Xiao Yang some Panadol. Her fever is going up and I can't send her to the hospital due to blizzards. Every hour I will go in to the rest room and check her temperature, lucky for her after consume some Panadol her fever starts to go down.

I went in to the pantry to look for food and for the first time I am glad that my mother will stock this place up. I found a cup porridge, make it and ask Xiao Yang wake up to eat it before consuming another round of Panadol.

After that she sleep again. In order for me to check the temperature easily I move from meeting room to the rest room to work. On and off I will check her temperature. At around 8PM she finally wake up and I check her temperature once again.

Lucky her fever is gone, but she still need to stay warm so that her fever won't come back again.

Xiao Yang: Thanks for taking care of me. I will go back now.

Me: You can't go back now...

Xiao Yang: Why?

Me: Because outside is having blizzards now. You will have to stay here for the night.

Xiao Yang: Oh...

Then she walk out and come back a minute later with a sketch book.

Me: You plan to work?

Xiao Yang: No, for sure you won't let me right.

Me: Clever. So why take out your sketch book?

Xiao Yang: I just want to take a look at it.

I nodded and continue doing my works suddenly she scream and shocked me!

Me: What happen?

Xiao Yang: Sorry to scare you I just saw something surprise me only.

Me: What you saw?

She show me the sketch book and that page is a drawing of her sleeping under the tree. I suddenly remember that I draw that picture.

Me: Oh, not nice?

Xiao Yang: No, it's so nice~ But who take my sketch book and draw it? Must be while I am sleeping under that tree.

Me: Maybe.

Xiao Yang: Hmm, here is a signature as well. "Jackson", I wonder who is this person?

Me: *smile* Not sure, never heard anyone call Jackson before.

Then she continue to try to figure out who is this mysterious person who draw this picture. I on the other side keep smiling at her cute expressions. Then I saw her yawning, she must be tired I thought to myself.

Me: If you are tired, just go to sleep, there is a room inside CEO office. You know the way right?

Xiao Yang: Yes I know the way, but the office should be locked right?

Me: Oh yeah, come I bring you over.

I bring her to the CEO office and got into the room. There is a double bed with all the necessity needed.

Me: Just go to sleep.

Xiao Yang: How about you?

Me: I will just sleep in the rest room.

Xiao Yang: But it's so cold now, you will get fever if you sleep at rest room.

Me: So what you suggest?

Xiao Yang: *blushing* Well you can sleep together with me, if you don't mind. The bed is so big it can accommodate 2 person with enough space.

Me: Are you sure?

Xiao Yang: *nod*

Me: Okay, you go to sleep first I still have some matter need to settle.

She look at me and nod then I went out of the room.

Me: Is she having fever again? Don't she know that a girl should not offer to sleep with a guy?

I shake my head and went back to the rest room to continue working. At around 11PM I finish my work and went back to the room to sleep. When I walk in I saw Xiao Yang curl up like a small kitten.

I smile at the look of her sleeping style. Then I went to bed, nothing happen that night. The next morning I open my eyes to see Xiao Yang face close up. At first I am a bit shock, but then I wonder why she wear a big spectacle to make herself look like a nerd?

Me: You are actually pretty, but why hide it?

Then I heard some rustle sound come from her and I immediately close my eyes thinking she might wake up already. But a while later she stop moving, I open my eyes and saw her so near to me. 

A/N: To all reader, I wish you all a Happy Chinese New Year~ I will not be updating anymore story from tomorrow onwards. Will resume back on next Tuesday~ Hope you all have a happy Chinese New Year and Happy Holiday to all~ 

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