You are Jackson, right?

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*Xiao Yang P.O.V*

I keep on thinking what the young maid told me early on, until someone tap on my shoulder. I look around to find Qian Xi behind me.

Me: Yeah?
Qian Xi: Why do you look so blur? Are you not feeling well or too hungry?

Me: Nah, just thinking something.

Qian Xi: *hit my forehead* You already off work stop thinking about work, okay?

Me: *nod*

Qian Xi: Have you girls eaten yet?

Xiao Xi: Yes, we eat already. Qian Xi did you change?

Qian Xi: *nod*

Xiao Ying: Every year your family will celebrate 3 of your birthday like this?

Qian Xi: No, it's because Yuan is 21st this year that is why they make it so big. Last September Xiao Kai one is even more grand than today.

Xiao Xi: I see. How about yours?

Qian Xi: Mine? I'm not sure but I plead my parent not to make this grand...

Me: Your birthday have not reach yet?

Qian Xi: Yeah, I am 20 days later then Yuan.

Me: I see...

Qian Xi: Come I bring you girls to another room so that you can rest for a while. I know it is boring here, Yuan ask me to bring you girls there. After all is done all this is done, he will meet you girls.

We all follow Qian Xi to another room and he leave us there to rest for a while. Xiao Ying and Xiao Xi enjoy the room so much but all I had in mind is what the young maid told me.

Without notice I walk out of the room and out to the garden. I stand under a tree and think deeply until someone tap on my shoulder. I turn over to found Qian Xi again looking at me.

Me: Why are you here?

Qian Xi: I am the one who should ask you this question. Shouldn't you be in the room with Xiao Ying and Xiao Xi?

Me: Oh, I am thinking of something and without notice I reach here.

Qian Xi: What's on your mind? Care to share?

Me: Erm, actually I have a question to ask you.

Qian Xi: Yes?

Me: Are you Jackson?

Qian Xi: *smile*

Me: Is that a yes?

Qian Xi: How did you found out?

I told him how did I found out and he nod while smiling.

Me: Why did you draw my sleeping face?

Qian Xi: Then why did you draw my sleeping face?

Me: *blush* You saw it?

Qian Xi: *smile and nod*

I try to explain to him but all I can do is stutter over the words.

Qian Xi: *laugh* Don't worry because your drawing is so nice that why I return the favor only.

Me: Oh...

Qian Xi: Come I bring you back to the room, the celebration is going to end soon. Yuan say he have something to announce later after the celebration done.

Once again he escort me to the room and leave me there with the girls. An hour later, the door is being open and 3 of them walk in.

Yuan: Sorry to keep you girls waiting~

Me: No worry, oh yeah your birthday present. Come take it~

Yuan: Thanks~

And with that all of us start to give the present we prepare to Yuan. One by one he open the present and I realize that my present and Qian Xi present is the same!

Yuan: Qian Xi, you and Xiao Yang really have the same thinking~ Thanks to both of you that now I have unlimited snacks to eat~

Qian Xi: Yeah, you will get fat with all those snacks~

Yuan: I won't okay~ Yeah, there is an announcement for all of you~

Me: What it is?

Yuan: *clear throat* Dear my cousins and my course-mate, I am here to announce that *drum roll*

Qian Xi: Just tell us!

Yuan: Okay, okay~ Me and Xiao Xi is officially together~

All of us are shocked by the news and for a moment the room is silent then suddenly a cheer. We all cheer for both of them and ask a lot of question about them. Yuan tell us the whole story and we are happy that they are together.

Xiao Kai: Did your parent know about this?
Yuan: Not yet, I plan to tell them after this.

Qian Xi: They will be very happy and both I and Xiao Kai will be nag every day...

Xiao Ying: Why?
Xiao Kai: Because Yuan already found girlfriend while both of us still single... Our parent definitely will nag us about finding a girlfriend after this...

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