Someplace Sunny

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Do you feel the weight of the world?
Does it boast strength against your chest?
Are you tired of the pressure?
Do you long for rest?

I promise you will find none
Your life, like the day, is ending
Dying with the dim rays of sun
There's nothing worth defending...

Now the moon grows slim over the infinite sky
The water is rushing around us
The earth it's begging us to cry

Still, we can't change the world but for awhile we can live astride it
Take it to the end of the road
Learn to survive right beside it

And when we can ride the road no longer or the pressure pulls us down
May the sun be bright then
With love all around

And if we live no longer
May we hope what we leave behind
Is just a bit stronger
Than the weakness of our mind

And maybe someday the pressure will be so slight and small
The weight will be fully lifted
There will be no pain at all

Then maybe we can hope the pain we felt was purposeful
The lost we felt now ended
The things we left behind...
The trouble all but mended

Hopefully when we all die we leave the planet a better place
Hopefully when we die our dried bones will hold no golden coins
Our lives having been filled with more important things than money

I hope that when I die they spread my ashes someplace that's sunny
Because right before we're gone there's only hope and looking toward the future

Before I'm gone I think "Will it truly make a difference?"
Before I'm gone I think "Will anything really care?"

I don't truly think so- it doesn't matter that life's not fair
When we're dead and gone the sun will just keep going
When we're dead and gone the moon will keep on rolling

So is what we do important will we leave a lasting mark?
Is what we think meaningful?

Are all our thoughts lost within the endless dark?
Is everything we've ever said or thought made to be forgotten?

If you think your life will permanently hold some meaning
I promise you
It's just not true
You're fucking brain dead my friend you haven't got a clue
You think it matters what happens when you're dead?

Well it doesn't-this I promise
You're just another carcass
More carbon molecules in the ground and dust particles in the wind
Does life even matter?
It doesn't this I promise
We're no better than the different species that failed after, with, and before us

The only difference is we have enough intelligence to try to justify all the bad shit we're doing

But we have also scientifically proved our demise

Listen close- we speak always of apocalypse "The end"
I promise you the end of humanity is not an "if" it's a "when"

The earth always refreshes, resets, and starts anew
And I promise by then it'll have nothing to do with me or you

Sure, that's so far from now
...And we'll never get to see it

But I promise you someone will and just like us - even with it right in front of them- they won't be able to conceive it
There will be an end; it's very silly to not believe it

Someday there will be an end to us and with how logical that is...

I find it rather funny

That all I can do is sit here and hope they spread my ashes someplace sunny

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