The Inevitable

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I don't understand it
This feeling I have inside
It's bubbling up and over
I feel it on me — in me and I'm terrified

Am I allowed to feel this good with no repercussions?
Can I have this happiness without any pain?
Have I killed my demons?
Are all of them slain?

I don't know but I can't stop smiling
My body feels warm
My eyelids are droopy
I'm tired from the storm
My happiness is fulfilling
It lulls me to sleep
It gives me no worries
No secrets to keep
But yet my mind it wonders
It travels far away
It asks the tough questions
I'm not ready for today
It asks the important things
The information I should know
But I love this good feeling and I don't want to let it go

What if I dig too deep and discover I'm in a trap?
What if this bliss is but a calm before a storm?

I used to love the warmth that happiness did bring
Like dew drops on the flowers in the height of spring

Now I only worry about when the good times are sure to end
What will I do when I don't have a single friend?

I've always been alone even surrounded by people
But I've been happy lately
Though I know it's bound to end
I've been happy lately
But on happy you can't depend

You must be prepared
Focused, and fixed
You must have the heart
The wisdom and the soul

I don't have these things
But I do have the inevitable

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