When The World Was Open

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I used to see beauty in so many things
I used to be happy
I used to have fun

But those times have past and now I sit solemnly
I rest quietly on my own
And think big things in my head

The world used to be open
Free to make mine
That's what people would say

There's a time when that notion changes
And the world starts to forget about you and your dreams
But you're to busy with the minute things to notice

Before you know it you're stuck the way you are
With your personality and your attitude

Once you're set in your ways you're stuck
Even if you don't like who you are...

And you probably didn't even notice that it happened
But that's just what life does

Nobody that's bitter thinks "I wanted to be this, this was my plan"
Nobody that hurts ever wanted to be sad
No one that insults people goes to bed with a smile

If you think about it- they never feel good about themselves but they've just been the way they are for so long

They've forgotten the time when they could've been anything
When the world was open
And their minds were free

No one begs to be stupid,
A liar,
A loser,
Or a quitter

No one wants to grow up to be a bully,
A bitch,
Or a cheater

Not one person starts off wanting to be hated,
Or Loathed

No, they became something they didn't want to be but didn't see coming
They became a ghost of themselves
They grew up to be someone they would've hated
They look at themselves and they feel disgusted
They hate what they are and they just want to change it

They can try but I know the path well
It's gonna be a tough act to sell

It hard to become someone different when you're already what you are...

Though if you never get started I suppose you won't get very far

In the end, I only have one question for you
Tell me, is your world still open?

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