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Up here in the clouds I feel the pain of loneliness
I sit so far above all those that could love me

Up here I'm not in reach of your warmth
I can't feel your gaze

I'm unaware of your praying
I can't hear what you're saying

On the top of this mountain not even the breeze is swaying
The world spread about below is something I don't know

My voice can reach far in the open air
But not far enough to make it to you

I can't reach those that are gone
No matter how close to the top I get

I can't feel your presence yet
But your essence is always with me
Even though your body has left

I've tried to reach you with words
I've tried with thought and voice
I've reached with spirit and hope

I've grasped at the distance with an open heart
And I've leaned out with an open hand

You never spoke back
I couldn't feel your ghost

My heart hasn't healed
And I never felt your hand in mine

So my mountain is quiet
My clouds are motionless

My breath is slow
And my heart is sore

My voice reaches out into the open
Hoping to someday find you there

My hand grasps at atmosphere 
Holding hope you'll be near

My soul stays warm with memories of your life
My heart has unhardened at the thought of your ended pain

The air up here is so thin
I can barely breathe to begin
Some battles are fought with one side knowing they cannot win

You'll never return to me
I'll never find you
Its okay though as long as my life holds some semblance of happiness
I know you don't expect me to wait forever for your return
I know that reality is real and fantasy is fake
I've no questions about how long it will take for my thin ice to break

My life on the top of emotional mountains next to clouds made of denial can't sustain me forever
Someday someone will bring me down to earth

Until that day I will reach for you with all my strength
I'll cast my hands high to the sky in hopes that sometime you'll clasp my wrists and pull me into your world

I'll reach skyward in the hopes that my love for you is not just memories and dreams
I'll reach knowing somewhere deep inside me that you'll be together with me once more
The world we live in has so much more in store

Were you stand today you'll stand tomorrow
Where you stood last month you still stand today
I move but you're there
The place you stand is in my heart
No matter where I move you stand still

I'll always reach for you with all of my will

My Heart To YoursWhere stories live. Discover now