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She came to us already full of life
Beautiful and scared

She'd take top perch
Above the dove

She was angry
But full of love

A thing of impeccable posture
A living thing of grace and colour

Something untouched and free
Yet willingly stuck in a cage

She wouldn't want to leave
She loved her home

The window was always open and sometimes and she'd look out far
I guess if you never go anywhere you always know right where you are

She's been around since I was little
I loved her then and now

I think only now of times wasted
Pictures untaken
Things not done

I'm willing to believe that you always feel like that when you're the one
The last to see something alive

Well she was always pretty but death didn't suit her
She was alone when it happened

She simply ceased without warning
Without a noise

She looked so healthy in her cage
She seemed so happy at home

I saw her then and I see her now
Life doesn't last and age is unavoidable

I loved her then and I love her now
She was always with me
Quiet but soulful

She would rarely squeal with excitement
But surely you would react when she did

I miss her now that she's gone but never so much before
It just goes to shows you how much you take things for granted for sure

Well I saw her last only a night ago
But before the next morning, her body grew cold

If it wasn't enough that I was last to see her lively
I first found her motionless too

She was always so pretty and death didn't suit her
The air was stale and the room so chill

She was distorted
Her body contorted

Like she fell standing
Crumpled to where she's now staying

She died alone and lastly looked to me
Her eyes wouldn't close

She stared at me without forgiveness
Without love

I felt guilty though I was without fault
I felt lonely though surrounded by those that knew her well

I couldn't shake her gaze
Though she was buried hours ago

I can't shake the feeling I should've known
I could've stopped it if I was more observant

Her color hadn't faded
Vigor intact
Her beauty unmatched

But her window was closed

My Heart To YoursWhere stories live. Discover now