Chapter 12: All Out War

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Everyone was battling in the room. Others were battling outside of the building. Ray and co. just joined in on the battle. They came running into the room. Shinsuke was firing lasers at the N.E.G. soldiers. "Man this gun is cool!" Shinsuke said amazed. "Sure does look cool!" Ayami said also amazed. "Ray! Renee! Come outside and help us! We're surrounded!" Lexan said over the communicator fight N.E.G. soldiers. "Ok we'll be right down!" Renee told Lexan over the communicator. "You guys gonna be okay?" Ray asked Ayami and co. "Yeah we'll be fine! Now go help your friend!" Ayami said. "Ok! Thanks for your help!" Renee said. "No prob! Hope to see you guys again after this!" Ayami said waving goodbye. "I hope we do too!" Renee said waving back. "Let's go!" Ray said to Renee.

Ray and Renee snuck into the elevator. They press the button to get to the first floor. On every floor there is fighting. Both rebellion soldiers and N.E.G. soldiers are being shot at and killed. The elevator stopped and the door opened. They ran out to go help Lexan. They came in guns blazing. They shot many N.E.G. soldiers while trying to get to Lexan. They saw Sam fighting off some soldiers. They ran to him and helped him fight. "Hey Sam do you know where Lexan is?" Ray asked while fighting N.E.G. soldiers. "Nope. Lost track of him. These N.E.G. guys seem to have some weird laser weapons and sheilds." Sam responded while also fighting. "Ok good luck fighting these guys!" Ray said. "Wait you're leaving me here to fight these guys?!" Sam asked. "We're going to look for Lexan!" Ray said. "Ok good luck. Please find him. I don't want to lose him again." Sam said. "We'll find him. Don't worry." Renee said as her and Ray fought through a crowd of N.E.G. soldiers.

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