Chapter 25: Reinforcements have Arrived!

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It has been hours since the call for reinforcements. Ayami and co. found the others. They told them about the reinforcements from Japan. James then told them about their reinforcements. They fought the government soldiers. Both having major casualties. The rebellion still had much more casualties though. "Ok our reinforcements should be here at any minute!" James said happily. "Same with ours!" Ayami said also happy. They kept shooting at the soldiers. Still waiting for reinforcements to arrive. "Hey guys we're back! We found more supplies!" Tony said. "That's where you guys have been?!" James asked. "Yep! That's where we've been! We got attacked a few times. We were able to fight them off." Elias said. "I also went with them." Max said. "So you were with them too? That's good. We got more supplies." Renee said. "How long until Lexan and Caleb are healed?" Tony asked. "A couple of days." Renee said. "Ah that's good." Tony said. "Enough talking we need to fight these fuckers off!" Michelle said.

"Does it really take this long for reinforcements to arrive?!" A soldier asked. "I guess it does." Another soldier said. "Well all this fighting is getting boring...I have a question." The soldier said. "What is it?" The other soldier asked curiously. "Do you ever wonder why we're here?" The soldier asked. "Well it's one of life's great mysteries isn't it. Why are we here? I mean...Are we the product of some cosmic coincidence? Or is there really a god wat-" Before the soldier could finish his sentence he was shot. "Sonuva bitch!" The soldier said in pain.

"This is taking too long...They should've been here by now!" Max said impatiently. "Let's be patient." Renee said. "What do you mean "Let's be patient"?! We're suffering major casualties! We need them to come now or else we'll have no chance in winning!" Max said getting angry. "Max calm down! I see tons of ships in the sky! That means our Zaleth reinforcements are here!" Renee said happily. "Finally!" Max said relieved.

"Sir. Some people from space just arrived here. Is this part of your plan?" Chicago asked. "It isn't...I didn't even know they had friends in space...This changes everything..." Zawyer said. "Our plan will still work. We have numbers and tech." Chicago said. "How long until the Japanese get there?" Zawyer asked. "Just a couple more minutes." Chicago said. "Good..." Zawyer said relieved.

"Guys our reinforcements are here!" Ayami said to everyone. The Japanese started shooting at the government soldiers. The soldiers from Zaleth started shooting at the government soldiers also. Swordsman from Zaleth came out of the ship and charged towards the government soldiers. The N.E.G. started to lose a ton of soldiers. "I told you to give up!" The voice said from the speaker again. "Well like I said we don't give up easily!" Ayami said confidently. "That's fine. We have one more thing up our sleeve!" The voice said.

"Is it time to execute Project: Switcher?" Chicago asked Zawyer. "I think this is the best time. Pull the switch." Zawyer said. "Nice pun sir." Chicago said. "Thanks." Zawyer said.

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