Chapter 30: ...or Die...

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Zawyer shot at the rebellion and Zaleth soldiers with his ship. His ship was a very quick cargo fighter ship. It was gigantic, but agile. The Rebellion was suffering major casualties again. The enemy side were suffering less casualties. There were some accidental deaths from Zawyer's ship to some of his men though. "You think you can beat me now?! You should've given up when you could!" Zawyer said. "I think we can still beat you!" Ruby said confidently. "Oh you definitely can!" Zawyer said sarcastically as he fired at Ruby and other soldiers. Ruby got some cover from the government building. The building's walls were made out of a strong material. "Stop running! You're not winning anyway!" Zawyer said. "You think I care?! In the end good always wins! We aren't dying! We're winning!" Ruby said. "You think that cliche is going to happen this time?! Everything is stacked against you! You can't even destroy my ship!" Zawyer said. "Good always finds a way..." Ruby said to herself reassuringly.

"Do we have anything that can destroy that ship?!" James asked in panic. "We have nothing." A soldier said. "Well that sucks..." Michelle said. "Let's ask the Zaleth forces!" Tony suggested. "Good idea." James said. James and co. ran over to the Zaleth ships. Some were surprisingly shot down by Zawyer. "Wait how powerful is his ship?!" James asked the Zaleth forces. "It's surprisingly powerful. I still think we can win." Robert said. "With what?" James asked. "We still have some mechs that helped us destroy The Deity." Robert said. "Ones that work?" James asked. "Only a few, and they barely work." Robert said. "Well it will do. How many do you have?" James asked. "About 50." Robert said. "We can all get mechs then. Are you getting in one?" James asked. "I am not. I have to stay as king of my kingdom. The king before me became evil so I don't know how the king after me will be." Robert said. "Ok. So the mechs are in the remaining ships?" James asked. "Yes they are." Robert said. "Ok good. I'll go get others to help us." James said. "Ok good luck!" Robert said. "Thanks." James said.

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