Chapter 24: Surrender?

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Ayami and co. shot through N.E.G. soldiers. The soldiers had prototype weapons also, so it was hard to fight and survive. They fought through the soldiers with only minor injuries. As they shot at the government soldiers a voice started speaking through a speaker hidden in the grass. "Ayami and her little band of friends! I suggest you and that rebellion you're allied with surrender immediately!" A voice said from the speaker. "You think a rebellion is going to surrender easily?! I certainly don't think so!" Ayami said confidently. "Oh so you're confident that your little band of misfits is going to beat us?!" The voice said. "Little band? This rebellion is giant!" Ayami said as she and her friends shot at the government soldiers. "You're little compared to us! Now surrender!" The voice yelled through the speaker. "We don't give up easily!" Ayami said confident that they will win. "Well I don't care at this point. Fight for as long as you need. You're going to die from us anyways so go and die." The voice said. "Who even are you?!" Ayami asked angrily. "I'm your worst nightmare." The voice said. It then went quiet. "Well that was cliche." Shinsuke said. "I know right!" Everyone else said.

"Ray there's a prototype gun on the floor! Get it quickly before someone else gets it!" James said to him. Ray then ran to the gun. "It looks like a laser weapon! I've never seen them in person!" Ray said. "Stop admiring the gun and shoot the soldiers!" James commanded. "Ok fine. How long until reinforcements get here?" Ray asked. "Judging by how long it took me and my friends to get here I'd say two hours." James said. "So two more hours of fighting? Just great..." Ray said. "Is that a problem for you?" James asked. "Well I don't want to fight anymore. Why don't we just surrender?" Ray said. "Surrender?! We aren't going to surrender!" James said angrily. "And why can't we surrender? This rebellion is useless anyway. It's causing more violence than peace." Ray said. "We're fighting to make peace! Violence is part of fights!" James said getting even more angry. "Fine. I'll keep fighting. Don't blame me when most of the world is dead." Ray said. "Just keep fighting. Don't speak about surrendering." James said to Ray.

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