Forever Doesn't Last Forever 36

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Chapter 36

[double the miracles]

~~~~ Scottland's POV ~~~~

I'm 4 months pregnant now, the doctor said everything looks perfect and that it's going very smoothly.

Hayden and I decided not to find out the sex of the baby so that it can be a surprise.

We do have some names we like, but we're not for sure yet.

Okay, so if it's a girl....

Harper or Alex

And if it's a boy....

Luca or Davis.

Those are the names we love the most.

This is our second chance at happiness and our second chance to be amazing parents and watch our son or daughter grow up, go through things, and create their own families later on in life.

I am so excited for the journey we're about to take with this little miracle baby.


~~~~ AJ's POV ~~~~

Man, being 4 months pregnant is a lot of work. I feel so fat and heavy. Dylan has to keep reminding me that I'm suppose to get fat. L O L

Can't wait to meet our little boy or girl.

I know it may sound cliché, but we both decided not to find out the sex of the baby.

It's hard being pregnant when you also, already have a 6 year old little boy at home who is so excited to meet his brother or sister and asks mommy around 10 times a day when mommy will have the baby.

It's so cute, but it can get annoying.

My dad helps out as much as he can, but he's to help provide for us. As well as Dylan is working, I'm working from home (as much as I can) and it's a very busy household.

Dylan and I have been thinking of lots of names.

If it's a girl- Everly, Danielle, Emma, or Kara.

If it's a boy- Ryan, Luke, Logan, or Michael.

As you can see we have WAY to many names. We haven't decided yet. All we for sure know is that the middle name will be Carson rather if it's a boy or a girl.

Carson is a very special name. Carson is a very sweet boy who lived in our town and was 9 years old, but was one day walking down the street and was shot out of the blue. We all knew Carson and we all grieved about his death because he was so much apart of so many families that it just was so hard to accept the fact that someone would want to hurt someone (such as a little boy) as sweet and kind as Carson.

We miss Carson, but he's watching over all of us. Just like my Aunt AJ, Trinity Scottland's sister, Mrs. Jaynes Hayden's mom, and Lincoln Scottland and Hayden's little girl.

We have a whole family up in Heaven looking down on us as our own angels. We truly are blessed. ❤️


~~~~ 4 Months Later ~~~~

[Scottland's POV]

"Uh, please dude just come out of me already." I say looking down at my fat belly.

"Babe, that's not gonna help." Hayden said coming over to me and kissing my lips.

"Shut up, you don't know that." I say with a chuckle.

"Whatever you say babe." He said smiling.

"JUST GET OUT OF ME ALREADY BABY!" I scream one last time.

Can you tell I'm ready to have this little baby girl or boy? Haha

Whoever says being pregnant is the most wonderful thing ever, they're fat liars. It sucks.

I haven't slept the last like 3 months because I am SO uncomfortable, I eat and eat which makes me gain weight, every part of me is swollen, I'm so sore, and I'm so tired and grumpy all the time.

I'm anxious more than scared to be honest. It's a very scary situation, but we're going to have out little miracle baby soon.



~~~~ 4 Months Later ~~~~

[AJ's POV]

Being pregnant is annoying af! Like oh my f*cking god. It's painful, fattening, and just flat out uncomfortable.

I can't even function at this point in the pregnancy. I am so incredibly uncomfortable that it hurts.

Dylan tries to help me as much as he can, just I'm so moody that I just get all emotional on him.



"Can I get you anything?"

"Dylan, shut up." I say.

"Well okay than."

"Babe, I'm so sorry omfg I don't know what's wrong with me. I'm so sorry. Thank you for trying to help."

"Haha babe no worries I know your just moody and emotional."

"You're the best." I say giving him a kiss.

"I know" he said with the biggest smirk ever.

"Loser!" I yell.

"Yeah you are." I hear him laugh as he says walking away.

Being pregnant is just god awful. I hate it. I know that a little girl or boy is growing inside of me, but hell with it just come out of me already baby!



I think to myself.

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