Forever Doesn't Last Forever 38

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Chapter 38

[its time!!]

~~~~ Scottland's POV ~~~~

I'm laying in bed at around 1:15 and I start to feel these horrible pains in my back and side. I think nothing of it so I get up and walk around the house for a little bit. Than I suddenly feel myself leak? Oh shit.

My water just broke.

I quickly walk back to the bedroom and hit Hayden.

"Hayden!!" I yell. "Hayden!!"

"Uh what it is babe?" He asks still half asleep.

"My water just broke."

"Oh my god. Come on we have to get you to the hospital."

We quickly grab all of our stuff and head to the hospital.

I can't believe this is happening right now. I'm going to be a mom soon and Hayden is going to be a dad soon. We're going to have a family.

Something I've dreamed of since I was little. A family that's all mine.

I smile.

I remember the labor journey was awful I was in labor for about 16 hours and than finally...

On October 13th at 7:12 am Luca Devon Jaynes was born at 6lbs and 4 ounces.

"Welcome to our family Luca Devon Jaynes."

"You did so good baby." Hayden said kissing me and than kissing Luca on the head.

"You're a dad." I say with a smile and sorta happy crying.

"I'm a dad." He says with a big smile and kissing me again.

On October 13 at 7:12 am was the happiest day of my entire life. I finally had my family and I was finally complete.

I was finally a mom.


~~~~ AJ's POV ~~~~

I remember hearing about baby Luca when Scottland had him. The first time I saw him he was beautiful and perfect. He looked a lot like the both of them surprisingly. Haha

I also remember the next day I was shopping with my dad, Berkley, and Dylan.

We were in Walmart and than suddenly I felt this huge weight lifted off of me, and when I started walking I stepped in a puddle of water.

Than I realized that my water had just broken.

"Dylan!!!" I scream because he's 2 sections away from me.

He comes running over

"What AJ? What?!"

"My water just broke." I say starting to cry.

"Dad!!" I yell.


"My water broke!"

"Okay we need to go to the hospital right now," he says "Berkley!!! Come on!!" He yells.

When we get to the hospital I know that it was about 12:19-12:20 pm and after 14 hours of labor, on October 15th at 2:19 am our daughter Everly Carson McKenna was born. At 6lbs 7 ounces.

I can't believe 9 months went by so fast.

Am I ready to be a mom?

Was I prepared?

It's a long journey from here.

A big mountain to climb.

But with my family by my side, well climb it together and face whatever comes our way, together.

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