Part 1

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:At the dark alley

"Taehyung stop it, someone will see us. " the girl said. "Baby, there will be no one here. Lets have fun here *smirk*" I pulled her dress of and the girl had her bra and panties.

I kiss the girl passionately and went to her jawline and neck.

"Baby hold still" I said and then "ARRGH!? " the girl screamed.

I stabbed the girl from the front and push the knife deeper into her wound.

"Shhh shh" I smiled and cover her mouth with my palm. Until she drift her eyes to close and i let go my palm.

The girl last breath was that night and I pull out my knife and put in it my plastic beg in case i need it.

Than I dragged that girl and wrapped her up with plastic and I went off leaving the dead body there.

:At Taehyung's House

"Sir,  you're home" one of his helper spoke to taehyung. "Geez!? You scared me. I thought you have been going out now. " I spoked while putting my hand to my heart.

"I was about to go. Until i heard a door open and it is you. Well goodnight Sir Taehyung" the guy said and left.

"Argh!? Im so tired". I sighed.

I had this big house and a helper.I work as a CEO in this one company. Also i had one thing that no one will know, I had a record that saying  I am a psycho. I am a psycho but I had in control.

"What a stupid am I. I have a big house but.. I don't have a maid" I sighed again and it was right. So I manage to call somebody about this.

I put out my phone and dialed the person number that I was about to called.

"Hyung? " - taehyung
"Taehyubg-ahh. What do you want at this hour bro? "- person
"Can you make a an event for me, namjoon hyung? "- taehyung
"Sure. What kinda?" - namjoon
"Finding a maid for me? I need a maid. "- taehyung
"Fine, when do you want to held it? "- namjoon
"How about next week since im flying overseas tomorrow. So i will be back next week. "- taehyung
"Okey then. "-namjoon
"Thanks hyung, bye" - taehyung.
"Your welcome. "- namjoon

After the called i hung up and sighed again .

I went straight to my bedroom and take my bubble bath. Since im cover with the girl's blood earlier, i have to clean myself and throw my T-Shirt to the rubbish so that no one know.

After i went bathing. I was checking up my phone and started at it. I was staring at this 2 loved kids hug eachother and add as my wallpaper.

The boy was so happy with the girl. The girl have a beautiful smile. "Its been 17 years i had not meet you my love. Where have you been? " i talked to myself and teared escape from my eyes.

The little boy was me and the little girl was the love of my life that i never forget.

:Flashback 17 years ago
"But you promise me that you never leave me" i cried "sorry taetae-shii i have to follow my parents. Its okey don't cry my love" she said while hugging me and i hug her.

"Promise you will come back to me" i said and she smiled "i promise taetae-shii. You promise you will never forget me" she said and give me her pinky swear so we did.

"Before you leave, i had something for you. Ta-da" i open the box and give her a special necklace i bought. The she smiled and i helped her to wear it.

"Thankyou taetae-shii. I love you" with that she hugged me. "You like it? " the she kissed my cheek "i love it so much. " im happy she likes it. "You promise me. You have to wear it forever. When we see eachother again, you will show me this and i will remember you" then we hugged eachother for the last time and her mother called her.

She left me. My love of My life. I promise to never forget you. I will never stop loving you.
:end of flashback

After she left me. I became more crazy because of her. Every girl in school i saw her. Only her. Then i became more crazy more worst a psycho. I killed girls that her attitude is not like my love life and the bitch like slut.

That is when i get the name as a "love pyscho".

After an hour staring at the ceiling. I slowly drifted to sleep. Hoping every night that i can see her again.


End of the first part. Hope you guys like it.

Wanna know who is his love life?

Well stay for the part 2.


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