Part 2

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: At y/n's room
: Next morning

In the next morning, the sun was so bright it hit my eyes. "*yawned* oh its morning, already? " i yawned again and went to the bathroom doing my morning routine.

After doing my morning routine, i went downstair and make some breakfast for myself.

You must be wondering why i cooked by myself and not the others. Well i live alone. My mother passed away when giving birth to me and my dad passed away when he gets into car accident.

I was cooking by myself a very delicious pancakes with strawberry syrup. Yummy!

I ate my breakfast while surfing the internet. Im looking for a job since my first job wasn't work out for me.

When i was surfing the internet, Something caught my eye. That it said "CEO Kim Taehyung is finding a maid for him. Will you love to be one? Interview at (a hotel name) at 1:00-3:00pm 18th Feb. See you there" I was gasped when I read it.

"Hmm I should try to be a maid maybe I mean I can cooked, do the laundry, do the cleaning and every maid can do. Probably this CEO can payed me much more then my late boss" I smirked.

Today is 18th Feb. I should go later.

: Taehyung's POV
: At the hotel (1 Hour before it started)

I have arrived at the hotel with Namjoon hyung for interviewing my new maid.

"Hyung how many girls are out there? " i checking on my paper by their name in. "There are about 100 girls want to be your maid. Should we prepared before the door were open? " i nodded and get ready.

: Y/n's PoV
: At the Venue

Im here. I can't wait. I hope i get the job then. Then i heard some girls talking about the CEO.

"Hey did you know" - girl 1
"Know what? " - girl 2
"I heard about CEO Kim Taehyung. He is very good looking but he has a criminal record. " - girl 1
"Really? Can i look at his picture? " - girl 2
"Here (showing his picture) " - girl 1

I went near by her and took a glance at the picture. Wow.. Is that the CEO? He is handsome. I smiled.
"You're right he had a good looking. What kinda criminal had a good looking like him? " - girl 2
" i know right. " - girl 1

Then there is a good looking guy at the front door.

" ladies. Be prepared. We were gonna start this after i opened this door and Hoping that one of you get the job. Good luck ladies. "

Then the guy opened the door and we line up. I hope i get the job over this 200 girls here. Wish me luck!?

: Taehyung's PoV

The interview started now.

"Hello there. Now tell me why you want to be a maid especially being the CEO maid? " namjoon asked.

Must be weird why i have not question them. I just choose and namjoon do all the talking.

* skip the scene *

"Argh!? There is no one girl that is good in this job" i knocked my head on the table like 3 times.

"Come on bro. We had one girl left. " namjoon convinced me. I just nodded and give a last girl a chance.

"Then i should call her now" i nodded again.

: Y/n's PoV

All the girls had done just left is me. Im the last one.  Then...

"Ms. Kim? You are next" i heard the guy called me. Ohh i also didn't mentioned you guys my first name is Kim. Sorry.

After he called me, i get up and went inside.

I see him sitting there. Thats ought tho.  He looks like a guy that i once met. But i can't remember.

Then he pulled his head up and looked at me.

: Taehyung's PoV

I heard the girl coming. Then i immediately looked at her. She looks... Beautiful. Who is she? Have i met her? If i do, where? She looks familliar.

Many question was playing in my mind. I wonder who is she. Then i felt she is staring at me. Then i stared at her.

"Okey ms. Kim tell me who you are? " namjoon started question her.

"Okey. My name is Kim y/n and i'm 20 years old. I was born at Gwanju, korea." then she bowed.

Wait y/n!?  I know that name. I remember her.

"Y/n!? " i said with a loud voice tthen she stared at me same as namjoon hyung. But my eyes is on her.

: Y/n's PoV

"Y/n!? " i heard my name been yelled at someone then i looked up it was him. The CEO just yelled out my name.

What is happening to him.? Is he okey?

Weird. Why do i felt like i know him? But where? Who are you to me?

                   End of part 2

Voted this part. Let see what happen on the next part.

I hoped you like it. 💕💕

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