Part 20

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Y/n's pov

Last night was the best dinner and hangout for the last time around Paris with Taehyung.

But the problem is that. Why does he acting so weird? Hm.

Today was suppose our flight back to our hometown. While I was packing our stuff. Taehyung came and sit on the bed. He took my hand and I look at him.

"Baby let's go to Japan". Japan!? "Oppa what do you mean? Aren't today we went back to Korea?" He Shook his head and explain. "It's about w-work and I need you there with me" I nod and smile. He kiss me and pack our stuff together.


Arrive at the airport~

Both of us sit on the chair waiting for tae's private jet. Taehyung was on the phone while i'm alone here.

I'm so bored and I take my phone out. Some news pop out since this days i'm not in the phone scrolling for something.

Something caught my eyes that give me a good shock. "Mr. Kim is a murderer pyscho"  what!

I look around no sign of Taehyung. I'm not that brave to open the news. Think positive, it's not Kim Taehyung. He is not. I breath in and breath out as I'm gonna had a panic attack.

I felt someone had their hand on my shoulder. I look at the owner and it's him. Fuhh. "Oppa" I smile.

Taehyung squat infront of me. He touch my cheek. "Baby are you okey?" I gulp but nod since I don't want him to know. "The plane delayed a bit sweety. I'm going to go buy something to eat" I nod and he peck my lips.

I look as he walk away. I look down my phone and i'm still shaking. I never got a choice so I read them.

Jungshook. "CEO Mr. Kim is a murderer pyscho for all the missing girls. The police try to capture him as soon as impossible" i'm done reading this shit.

That is why he wants to go back to Japan. He lied and he is a murderer. My crush. My husband. I'm marrying with a murderer.

As soon as i'm still spacing out, I heard voices. "Baby! I bought some your favourite " I look at him with an angry face.

"Tell me taehyung, did you kill those missing girls?" I can see he had a shock faces. I show him my phone about the news. "You fuck! It's already on the K-News! You murderer! Wtf are you doing here with me? Why do you kill them?"

I can't handle it. I take my things and was about to go until.

"I kill them because it is not you! You are my lover y/n!" I turn around and look at him. "I love you! Please don't go!"

"Stop! You're a pyscho. This is not the person I knew a long time ago" I get my things and ran to the door. "Don't ever come and see me". As I walk out, I cry. Why does he have to be like this.

This is not the person, I know.

Taehyung's pov

She had gone and I kneel crying.
"I'm being like this because of you" fuck! Why this is happening to me! Who the fuck did it!

Should I stay or leave?

??? Pov

"Goodmorning sir" I nod and hand her my passport.

She look at me. "Mr. Jeon Jungkook, would you like to remove your cap and mask so I can identify this is you"

I open my cap and mask. I smile to her. After that she gave me back my passport and I went inside. My phone buzzed.

"Hello?" - Jungkook
"Boss, y/n is now already know the secret about taehyung. Plan is good"- ??

I smile devilish

"Great to know. I'm on my way to Paris" - jungkook
"Have a nice flight boss"-??

I hung up and wait for my flight. This is too easy. Thankyou hyungs.


"Hey" I look at the police who seem so new is incharge of the jail. "Let me free, I have a wife to carry. She is pregnant and I have to be there for her" I give him my sadness look.

"I'll give you a million dollar for letting me free" he nod and open the bar for me. I smile at him but behind my smile was an evil smile. Too easy too fool someone.

After I get my freedom, my friend went to pick me up. He gave me the file a caught on camera about hyung killing. Bingo!

The next day, I went to police station and handed them the file. Easy cake. While about 4 days the news, rumour spread around Seoul about the generous CEO Mr. Kim is a murderer.

Now. I'm here waiting for my flight to comfort y/n and make her mine. Bad guy win.




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