Part 23

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Taehyung's pov

It has been a long ride. I was driving on our way to my hyung's house. I look beside me and see her sleeping with her hand touches her belly.

I smile at the sight as leaning to peck her cheek. Soon I will become dad. I smile to myself.

It was almost two hour drive and we had arrive here. I look at the house and look at her. I don't want to wake her up, she seem peacefully. Maybe a little gentle.

"Yeobo, wake up. We're here" she open her eyes slowly and smile looking at me. "Oh we're here. I sleep well, didn't I?" I nod and she giggle.

"Let's go, I need to hold you went we're going insie" she nod and I went outside. I went to her and open her door.

My other hand hold her arm while the other wrap around her back. I smile and I lead her to the doorstep. I rang the bell amd wait for it to open.

As it open screaming was hear. "Taehyung! Y/n!  Finally you guys here" hoseok hyung said. I laugh to smile and hold y/n inside. "Let me get your stuff taehyung, suga hyung! Come help me". Then suga hyung ra from upstair.

"Coming! Oh hey y/n, you look beautiful when you were pregnant" I can see y/n I blushing and I shut him with a glare. Suga hyung just chuckle.

"Baby, let's get you to my room" she nod and we both went to my room.

I open the door of my room and let her in first. "You should take a rest yeobo" she smile and hug me. "I love you oppa" I smile and peck her head. "I love you too yeobo".I make her lay on the bed. "Don't go anywhere okey, if you need me just yell my name" she nod.

I was about to leave and I close the door. I heard y/n call my name. "Taehyung oppa! ",I open the door again and look at her in worried. "What's wrong yeobo?" I can see she is laughing. "Oh I just wanna test if it's work to call you like that" the she continue giggling while I shook my head to her.

I smile and close the door.

I went downstairs looking at namjoon hyung just came in. "Oh taehyung,youre arrive" i smile and give him a handshake.

We both laugh and talk. "So when do i have to go?" He look at me. "Tomorrow. Dont worry we will get you off this case and jungkook will be lock up" I smile. I hope so.

Namjoon give me something it is a picture. "Look" he said, I look at the picture and seeing a camera caught jungkook get out from jail of the helping police. He is the one who told everyone and in media about me.

He will get it. I am sure.

Y/n's pov

Argh! This is boring. No phone, no social life.

I look down at my belly and usually talk. "Hey baby, eomma is doing great so goes to your appa. Appa had a very good job on taking care of eomma and you precious. I can't wait to see you" I smile as I saw a figure standing by a door frame.

"Oppa, what are you there? " I smile. He smile and walk towards me. "I love to see you talking with our child and I also can't wait to see that kiddo" I smile staring at his face.

"Baby, I'm going to the court tomorrow. Do you wanna come?" I nod fastly because I don't want to be alone, I want to be there with him and support. "Of course I will come. It's my husband that I need to support" I smile and peck his lips.

"Thankyou for everything baby." I smile and nod. "No. Thankyou for give me such the most amazing love I have ever felt." He kiss me on the lips.

I smile through the kiss and he notice it. "I love you yeobo" ,I lean my head on his shoulder. "I love you too oppa, always" I close my eyes and smell this aroma scent that I love.




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