Part 5

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Sorry for not update for awhile it's been what a year now?  Lol.. Kinda busy and seriously I got now ideas. So please enjoy *love*


Taehyung's pov

As I walk inside my office I see the girl sitting on the couch waiting for me. As I close the door and walk to my working place, I see her and came to me.

"Taehyung oppa~ I miss you" she said, I look at her and start smirking "who give you the permission to come to my office?" She smilling and walk towards to me and pull my tie as she pull me near her.

"Can I just pay a visit?" I give her those devilish smirk and say "if you don't want anything to be danger in here" I try to take the knife under my desk as I'm still staring at her but something stop me as I was about to pull them out. I look at her. Y/n. Infront of me!

I stop everything and try to close my eyes. I see the girl again but not her. Maybe I try to skip that killing for awhile. "No! Get out of my office or I call my security" I moved away from her and get back to work. "But--" I cut her off "please! GET THE HELL OUT OF HERE" I heard her heels starting faded and Im there sighing. "Oh love, now you're stuck in my head. Lucky her I didn't kill her"

Y/n's pov

I was in the house cleaning the whole house. Damn! This man pay an effort to do have this big house. I was also listening to music while cleaning.

As I keep cleaning, I stop at his room. "I think I shouldn't go inside. He did said that. Wait! No he didn't but whatever, i'm a maid I should go inside" as I walk inside, I get JUNGSHOOK! His room is so big then mine and tidy.

I start looking around "I guess I don't have anything to clean here. Seems tidy and clean. Hm, let's check in the closet" as I went to the closet. I drop my jaw, tell me about it. His closet is already tidy.

I walk inside and see he had black and dark blue blazer and white T-shirt only. I look around and sniff the T-shirt. "Smell like him hehe" I love his scent so romantic. Its tidy, I think I should go out.

As I was about to go out, I bumped into someone "ouch! " then I heard voices "whoops! Sorry didn't see you there. Who are you? And what are you doing at taehyung's room? " I look up and saw a handsome figure. Oh my!

I space out at his flawless until he snap his finger infront of me. "Hello?? " I snap out and come back to reality. "I'm sorry. I'm y/n and i'm Mr. Kim Taehyung's new maid" I bow 90 degrees at him and he chuckle. What so funny dude??

"Ah I see. So you're the new maid. You seem cute by the way." I smile and talk "who are you and what are you doing here? " he chuckle again. This guy is really chuckle at something maybe not funny. "I'm sorry where is my manner. I'm Jeon Jungkook, Taehyung's bestfriend. I came here to visit him but seems that I must be too early to come" he smile.

I smile back "oh, Mr. Kim went to work and I'm not sure he will be home soon" he scratched the back of his neck "I guess so. Can I stay around?" I was thinking that maybe should I or not?. "Sure. Take a sit on the living room. Should I get you anything Mr. Jeon? "

He smile and nod "a water would be nice this type of weather and please don't call me Mr. Jeon it's too formal. Call me jungkook" he smile and Pat my head. "Okey j-jungkook." Both of us went downstairs and I went to the kitchen.


Continue next chapter
Hope you guys like this chapter
Give lots of love

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