Part 10

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Y/n's pov

I was waiting for him at the parking lot saying he was going to the toilet. That guy is srs??
Argh! I can't stop thinking about that necklace is so beautiful and--

"I'm sorry I w-was late." I look at him as if he was chasing by a dog or something. "Did you just get out from the toilet or ran a marathons? " he glare at me and open the car.

I went inside and he came to the driver seat. I put on my seatbelt as he start the engine. "Hurry up. I'm starving" he start to drove and we went home for today.

Skip to the house~

I was taking the bag and headed to the kitchen. I see taehyung get inside and walk towards me. "Can I help you making lunch? " I shock to hear and look at him. "Are you sure? You're my boss, I mean-" I got cut off by his word "even I am your boss, I can help you"

I smile and nod. "Can you get ready the pot for me and boiled the water? " I start taking out some vege and bulgogi for lunch. When I heard mumbling from him "shit! What pot? Do I have a pot? Where is it? "

I giggle by myself and coughing "the pot is at the second cabinet" and he sigh "right" I chuckle. I look at him and his figure. "Have you ever went inside the kitchen maybe one in your life" after he put the pot on the stove and boiled it. He look at me.

"I didn't go to the kitchen often. I only my maid in here." I look at him confuse. "Then why are you helping me? " he start going closer and closer. Damn I hate that smirk. "Cause I'm afraid you can't reach anything from the high cabinet" I rolled my eyes.

Oh great is he mocking me now. I smirk at him "well you are tall, I like tall guy but I like tall guy that often in the kitchen not only he let his maid in here" I went to the fridge and get some tomato and spicy paste.

He still frozen there and I chuckle by myself. "Are you going to be frozen there? Or you want to help me with cooking? " I grab the chopper and a knife "cooking! " I smile to myself.

Taehyung's pov

I had fun cooking with her. Damn it. I heard my phone ringing at this time. I went to see who is it. That japanesse company girl again. I decline and continue cooking with her.

"Why aren't you pick up the call? " she look at me. "Because it wasn't important" she nod and I just smile. I look at her cooking and went behind her.

I put my arms around her waist and I put my chin on her shoulder. She flinched but she seem calm again.

"Taehyung what are you doing? " I heard her chuckle so cutely. "Is it wrong for me to hug you like this?" She hesitated and shook her head. "So why did you flinched? " she respond "because I don't like being hug? "

I smirk "or was it you get hug by jungkook the other day like this? " I heard her cute gasping "how did you know? " I smile and whisper to her ear. "I have eyes y/n everywhere."

I turn off the stove and turn her around facing me. "I don't like the way he hold you, or seeing you like you were his dinner. I hate it. Only me can see it" she furrowed her eyebrow seem can't understand.

I hold her hand and look through her eyes deeply "y/n i know it's too fast. Can I just say I have been loving for a long time? Now I finally met you and here you are infront of me. I can't keep this anymore. I love you y/n. It's me taetae oppa. How dare you forgot me" I hug her tightly.

After a minute she hug me back "taetae oppa? That cute taetae" I nod and snuggle into her. I felt a wet stain on my shirt seems like she is crying.

"Oppa I miss you! You've change a lot. Are you srs? Is this you? " she let go of me and cupping my face. I smile and cupping her face too. "Yes darling it's me. " she hug me and we both crying. "Should we go eat first? " she nod with her cute faces.

Skip the meal~

Y/n's pov

Both of us sitting on the couch nothing more but just staring at each other eyes. The silence was long and I figure I have to break it.

"Oppa how dare you didn't tell me it's you" he smile and chuckle. "A secret I guess" I smile and scoot a little near to him. "I miss you" that's the only thing I can say.

"I miss you too dorky" I look at him and he laugh. When we were a child, he use to call me dorky. "I hate you"
He smile again "I love you more" he peck my cheek

Cheek! Peck my cheek!

I'm red. Oh gosh I'm red!

"Why are you turning red y/n? " I look at him and he smile. That smile argh! "What was that for?? The peck?? " he laugh and pinch my cheek.

"You're so cute I can't handle it" I smack his hand. "Auch! Haha" he wrapped his hand around me. Side hug me and smile. "You are cute dorky. " I rolled my eyes. "Yeah yeah what ever"

He let go of me and search something in his boomer jacket. "I have something for you" I look at him "what is it? " he show me those cute box.

"Open it" I took the box and open it. As I open it, I get jungshook again is he srsly? But how?

"A heart ring shape necklace that you want to buy at the store today" Im still I'm shock and look at him. "But how? "

Taehyung's pov [flashback]

"Yah! I'm going to the restroom first okey. Wait for me here and don't ho anywhere" I ran back inside the building

I was not actually going to the restroom but I went inside the jewelry shop. Luckily the necklace she want is still here. I bought it for her. Since it's expensive but for the love of my life. I'm willing too.

I ran back to the parking lot all sweaty. "I'm sorry i'm late"

End of taehyung's pov [flashback]
Y/n's pov

"So you came back inside just to buy this for me??" He nod and put it around my neck. "It looks beautiful with a beautiful women" I smile and blush.

He lean closer and closer to me and--




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