Part 16

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Taehyung's pov

Its night fallen in the hotel. I can't think straight but her. She will be fine. Positive thoughts. Positive thoughts

I heard a knock on my door, I went near the door and look at the hyungs. I open the door and let them in. "Hey are you okey bro? " jin ask. I nod a bit.

"Don't worry bro, she will be fine" jimin said. I sat down at he edge of the bed. Thinking of her making me go crazy.

"Why the fuck he do that? First was sana now him. My own brother. He know that y/n is the love of my life but he took her away from me IN OUR DAMNIT SPECIAL DAY!" I brush my hair roughly and cry again.

"Shh shh taehyung, we will find her. We promise" namjoon said "joonie is right." I look at hobie. "Thank guys, I knew you guys will be here with me".I smile and they smile back. "But how can we search for her"I look at jimin.

I look at namjoon and namjoon look at me. What is this? A teleport mind talking now? I'm not in my best condition not now. "Well jungkook can tell us that since he is the guy plan all this" I look around and no sign of jungkook.

I stood up "where the fuck is jungkook!" Everyone look around but I went outside and bang on his door room.

That is why I don't believe evil maknae had his own room.

"Jungkook! JUNGKOOK!" I bang the door and the hyungs came behind me.  Where is he. I look at the maid that just came outside from the next room.

I went to her. "Excuse me do you have 1997 room card?" She nod and handed me the card key.

I went back to Jungkook's room and open it. I rush inside and nothing! His stuff is not here and him himself is not here. I ran back to the maid and ask her.

"Excuse me did you know where is that person from 1997 room?" She hummed. "Yes I do sir. He just check out" I hand her the card and thank her.

I went to my hyungs. "He check out without one of us notice" namjoon look at me. "What do we do now? " I think and think.

"Hyung you come with me to the security camera. Hobie and suga hyung search the basement and jimin search the lobby and everywhere in this building also try to call him" they all nod and went separate ways.

Skip to the surveillance room~

"Stop there!" I look at where namjoon hyung pointed a black car from outside pick jungkook up. But no plat number. This is frustrating!

My phone buzzed same goes to namjoon. I answer.

"What?" - taehyung
"Lobby and hallway clear. I found jungkook's phone in the trash can. Seems like our maknae is clever " - jimin
"Okey" - taehyung
"Had you found something? " - jimin
"Just a camera caught jungkook get in the black car with no plat number" -taehyung.
"Okey then see you later" -jimin

I hung up and burning Inside me. I look at namjoon and shook his head. Meaning nothing. I'll be there sweety don't worry.

Y/n's pov
Next morning

I felt someone caressing my cheek. I open my eyes and look up.

"J-jungkook? "

He smirk "hey sweety, getting enough sleep already?" I spit on his face. He laugh and he grab my neck.

"How dare you spit on me! " it's hard to breath. He let go and caressing my cheek. "You're crazy! Let me go jungkook! "

He laugh. "Let me think.. Hmm.. No" I struggling to get out and screamed. "Help! Help me!"

"No one can hear you darling. Not even a dog can hear you" I cry and he just laugh. "Taehyung will safe me and make sure you will be in jail! " he laugh again.

"We will see" I see he took out a phone and dialed someone number and put on the loud speaker.

"Hello?" Wait tae! "Tae-" I was about to scream until jungkook's hand cover my mouth. "Who is this? I don't have time to play game" tae oppa I'm here!!

"Hyung! Heyy I got your wife here" jungkook said while looking at me. "Jungkook! You shit where is y/n?!"

Jungkook let go my mouth and I take his opportunity "oppa! I'm here! Oppa safe me" the jungkook cover my mouth again.

"Baby? I'm going to safe you. Jungkook tell me where the fuck are you!? " he said and jungkook laughs

"No can do hyung. Bye" jungkook hung up and smash the phone. Oppa~ I snuffle and cried.

Jungkook left me there and lock the door. I sit here lifeless hoping that tae will rescue me.


??? Pov

"Help! Help me!"

Oh my there is someone inside needs some help. I sneak and see from the hole. A tied up girl wearing a wedding dress. I have to go and report to the police.

Skip to the police~

As I went to report everything to the police. He hold me up and take a call. I heard the conversation. Some lost bride get kidnap hm.

After an hour sitting at the police station. Some guys just came here and wow is that Mr. Kim?? I stood up and bow.

"He is right there" the police pointed at me and Mr. Kim went and ask me. "Are you the one who found it?" I nod.  "What's your name?" That guy next to Mr. Kim ask me.

"I'm Jackson"




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