Part 15

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Taehyung's pov
Next day

I have arrive Seoul and I came to my hyung's house. As I walk inside. Wtf! Is there an animal in the house?

Bottles of soju everywhere. Shit this smell like soju in here. I saw the boys there but I don't see y/n nor jungkook.  No it's can't be.

I walk toward namjoon hyung and ask him. "Hyung where is y/n and jungkook?" I look at namjoon drunky face. "Taehyung youre here *hiccup* y/n was in her bedroom *hiccup* but jungkook was probably didnt comr home from last night *hiccup*"

That's is relief. I leave them there and went to y/n's room. I knock on the door no answer.

I try to open the doorknob and it wasnt lock. I went inside quietly. There she is my princess sleeping peacefully in bed.

I walk toward the bed and caressing hair. I miss her so much. I don't want to wake her up so I peck her. I feel tired and want to have a little bath.

This is my old room so no need to search where I put my things.

I walk to the bathroom and take a shower.

Y/n's pov

I woke up and start to feel how dizzy. I drink too much last night damn. As I look around I can smell the aroma scent.

"I wish tae was here" then I out on a sadness face but wait! I sniff again. It is aroma scent, taehyung oppa!. I heard the bathroom door open and I am suprise.

Oh man holy shit! It's tae and he is wearing only towel around his waist, wet hair and that abs.

Geez this guy is a materpiece. I heard him coughing and he is already sitting infront of me.

He smirk "like what you see? " I nod but the I shook my head again. He chuckle and peck my forehead. He went to the closet and pick his shirt.

"When did you arrive" I smile "this morning baby" I'm blushing wth! "I miss you so much jagi" I went to him and peck his cheek. I smile. "I miss you too oppa"

We both hug eachother and I don't care if he is wet. I love him so much.

"Let me so those cute faces" instead giving him my cute faces, an ugly faces will do. "Jagi! I'm srs. Haha" I miss his laugh.

"There is my cute baby" I smile and hug him again. I'm wet. "Are you okey this day? " I nod and smile.

"Oppa, I want to go take a bath first okey?" I take my towel beside him and he stand closer to me. "Want me to join you? I can take a bath for round 2" he smirk and Im blushing wtf!

I push him away and ran to the the bathroom and lock myself inside "no! "

I'm dead with this boy.

Jungkook's pov

"WHAT! HOW DID HE KNOW!? so sana is really dead" I hate this. "Yes Mr. Jeon"

I scream in anger. "Get out!" They all went out leave me in the office alone. Sana is dead now what do I want to do. Hm.

You're just have to wait y/n, I will have you all to myself.

Taehyung's pov

It has been 5 month after I fly back here to Korea. Guess what!

It's me n y/n wedding's day!

We have been planned out to get married today. I'm here waiting for her at the altar. Gosh i'm nervous.

Namjoon hyung realise I was sweating and he came to me and handed a handkerchief. "Thanks hyung" he smile. "No problem bro"

As we wait. It has been a long and it hurts my knee to stand this long. Ouch! Why do I feel hurt in sudden?

Something must be wrong.

I look at my hyung. "Hyung is she this late? " they all said idk. Until someone bursted into the hall yelling

"The bride has been kidnapped!? "

My jaw drop. My heart drop. Who the fuck ruin my marriage and kiddnaped her!

I loosen my tie and look frustrated. I did ask who came to went back home and only me and my hyungs here in the venue.

"Shit shit shit! Who the hell kidnap her" Im panic. "Calm down bro, let's hope she is fine"

I look at them. But one caught my eyes. Jungkook. He doesn't seem frustrating or worried. All hyungs are worried but not him.

I walk toward him and hold his collar. "Where the fuck you take my wife!? " I was so mad at him. He just smile.

"You won't know" he said. I punch him several times. He let someone kidnap my wife. He plan all of this.

Until someone stop me. "Taehyung! Stop punching him or he die. Let him live as long he knows where y/n is" namjoon calm me down.

I stop and moved away from them. I cried harder as I can. I hope you are okey my love.

Y/n's pov

I open my eyes slowly and I see nothing but darkness. I try to move but it seems like I tied up in the chair.
Wanna know how this happen?


I'm nervous. So nervous. I look myself at the mirror for the last time and I heard knocking. "Y/n it's time! "

I smile and headed to the door. But when I opened it. Bad situation. "Time for kidnapping! "

I try to run and someone just put a cloth on my mouth and I felt dizzy. Then I black out.

Idk where but I heard some voice saying something "never let anyone know where she is. If they know, change the location" I tried to open my eyes but I just can't. Those voice sounds familiar.


[End flashback]

I'm scared and i'm alone.

"Anyone help me! Please" I said with my crack voices. I heard the door open reveal a guy.

"Finally you're awake, but you have to wait for boss to come" he shut the door again and I cry.

"Oppa please hurry up and safe me, i-i'm scared"

Tears falling bit by bit.





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