Part 24

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Taehyung's pov

"Don't be nervous, we're going to sort thing out" y/n said to me. I was waiting outside for another round of battle. Can this be over?

"Mr. And Mrs. Kim please comin" a girl said. We both walking to the door then y/n hold my hand. "Oppa you go inside first, I'll be right back. I need to go to the restroom" I smile and peck her lips. "Go on then" she smile and go.

Let's do this. I went inside.

Y/n's pov

After i'm done doing my business in the restroom. I walk out and went to the court. As I was about to arrive by the door, there is someone hold my hand.

I look at him and he is only wearing a mask and a cap. "Excuse me, can I help you?" I look at him and he look up.

I gasp and said "j-jungkook" he gave me those smile when he is open his mask. "Glad to see me?"

I'm scared alone with him. "J-jungkook, what are you doing here? You shouldn't be here" he laugh and look at me. "Aww pretty I just want to see hyung in jail and we can be together" I look at him in ew and let go his grip.

"You and I were never ever be together, you disgusting shit!" I was about to walk away until he held me again. "Wrong move princess" then he let go and walk away.

I was scared and I hope he might not do anything. I sighed.

After the court, skip~

I was walking hand in hand with taehyung smiling. Both of us are at outside with his hyungs until I saw a kitten was about to cross the road.

"Oppa wait here" he nod and peck. "Don't go too far, I nod. I went to the kitten. "Hey there little one, what are you doing here you shouldn't be one" as I was looking at the kitten. I felt somehow a car driving so fast toward me. I close my eyes then I feel a hand touch me and push. I didn't fell but someone hold me and there is a loud sound someone get him.

I can't barely see what happening, when I open my eyes I shock myself. I went to the person and try to shake him up. I cry.

"Oppa, no no dont go. Help! call the ambulance!" I look at tae and tae look at me. He hold my cheek and said "I love you" I cry on his neck. "I love you too oppa. Hang in there" taehyung close his eyes. Please hang in there.

Skip to hospital~

I was waiting outside with his friends. I keep walking back and forth want to know that he will be okey. Please be okey.

"Y/n, sit down. We can't barely see you walking here and there. Trust us he will be fine" I nod and see beside hobie oppa who said that early.

After an hour here waiting, I felt asleep on hobie oppa shoulder. Hobie wake me up and I see a doctor infront of me. I fix myself and look at the doctor.

"You must be Mrs. Kim? " I nod. He smile at me. "You're husband is okey now, you can see him in his room if you want. He had no injury just a bit of ankle broke" I nod and said "thankyou so much doctor" he smile. "My pleasure".

I walk to his room and seeing him looking at the window. All oppas doesn't want to come in first they thought it would be for me to be alone with him.

I went near him and he look at me. "Oppa are you okey? " I smile. "I'm okey, i'm sorry do I know you?"

What? "What?" Now my eyes become teary. Is he already forgot about me?




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