Part 7

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Y/n's pov

The dinner had over and Jungkook had left. I was washing the dishes and spacing out. I feel uncomfortable when he was staring at me while eating. Does he have too? Did Taehyung notice? But i'm sure he doesn't care.

I'm still spacing out until I felt two hands on my shoulder. I smell that scent again. "Taehyung?" He chuckle and say "how do you know it was me?" I smile "well first of all is just you and me in this house, second those aroma scent I recognise" I stop the water and facing him.

He was smiling and look at me "that was a test for you and lucky you know it was me. What if the buggler or a kidnapper came inside and touch you?" I smile and sighed.

"It won't happen well you have many bodyguard outside and I have you instead" am I sound cheeky? "Did you go outside today? " I shook my head. "I don't like going alone. Maybe some other time" as I was about to walk away,he says again "lets go outside tomorrow then after my can come with me to my office tomorrow"

I look at him in shock and gave him my *are you serious* faces. He nod and say "dont wake up late or i might leave you here and we dont have to go out tomorrow" i sighed and nod "okey taehyung"

He went closer and start to lean closer to me. Our lips are inch away a bit and i can feel his hot breathing on my lips. "I dont like when you are alone in here with some of my friends came to my house. I hope this will be the last." I nod and frozen up. He lean into my ears and says "i HATE the way he staring at you. Only me. Note that"

After he said that. He walk upstair leave me here breathless. Is he serious hate?he notice?only him?wtf!? But after he said that i went crimson read and smile.

"Stop smiling y/n!" I chuckle crazy and went upstairs too. Wait now where is my room again?? I sighed. "Dreamy alot now i forgot where is my room." I mumbling loud enough.

Taehyung's pov

"I HATE the way he staring at you. Only me. Note that" after i said that. I look at her maybe frozen and ran upstairs. After i close the door ,i felt my heart beating. "Shit!" I smile and still leaning myself behind the door.

I open the door slightly and hearing her mumbling that she doesnt know where her room again. Cutie. I close the door and went to my bed. I sat at the edge and place my hand on my heart.

Geez its beating! I went to my closet and searching for something that i have kept a long time ago. Her only picture. "You'll be mine and forever mine"

??? Pov

"I want you to take my place tomorrow for meeting with Kim's company" i look at my a father and nod. "Is he old?" My father respond "he is a young CEO and i heard he wasnt married yet nor have a girlfriend." A prey. Its been awhile

"Dont do that devilish smirk sweety,i dont wanna hear any complain seeing you flirthy over Mr.Kim,this is work we talk about and we have to had a nice collabrate with Kim's company" i nod "okey father" he says again "dont ever give a shame on my company"

He left and i was alone in the living room. "Not married nor have a girlfriend. Hmm let see what Mr.Kim had got" i smirk to myself and went to my room. Tomorrow is the day.


Now let see who is the girl that had those devilish smile?
Those this girl had a tricky plan on taehyung?
Let see on the new chapter..

Love y'all!!

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