Part 26

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Y/n's pov
A month

I'm here cooking in the kitchen while taehyung upstair taking his rest. He's been out from the hospital after a month now. He is stable just this few days he went every court and its kinda tiring him.

While I was cooking I felt someone hugging from behind me. Those aroma scent feels so much him. "Oppa you should be upstairs taking your rest" he put chin on my shoulder and I smile. "I did take my rest well yeobo-ahh it just not very well without you"

I turn off the stove and look at him. "Look at you. You must be tiring" he give me those pouted face and lean to give me a peck. "Yeobo-ahh what are you cooking?" I smile. "I cook everything that is in the fridge for you guys". He frown. "I wish we can be home again and we can cuddle or-"

I knew what he is going to say so I cut him off quickly. "Oppa not now please and this is your hyung's house so no" I turn around and continue cooking.

"You no fun babe" I can feel him pouting. "I don't care. Its true bae" I look at him and wink at him. He gasp and giggle.

"Y/n! Taehyung! We're home" I look at the entrance and see the boys. "Oh oppa I prepared dinner for us" they smile and they look at taehyung.

"Why taehyung had a pouty face?" jin oppa said and I smile. "Probably he didn't get what he wants" suga said. I laugh. True.

"Kids" namjoon hyung said. All of us laugh.

During dinner~

"Ow" i said. "Baby whats wrong? Are you okey? Are you in pain?" i nod. "I think i might had a back pain" he nod.  "Come I put you to bed" I nod and he pull me up.

Both of us walk to our room and he made me lay down on the bed. "Go and get rest, I'll be with you later. " he peck my forehead and went  downstairs again to his hyungs.

As I've been taking my sleep. I felt someone wrap their hands around me while I was sleeping. I smile as I thought was taehyung so i touch his hand but then I thought wrong. The smell is different.

I'm shaking under this person embrace. I think he feel it. But then his voice heard. "Why are you shaking y/n it is just me" I lose from his grip and stood up. "Wtf are you doing here in my room?" He laugh and sat on the bed. "Its my house too y/n"

I was about to scream until he stop me by closing my mouth with his palm.

"The part is easy. The day you should die not taehyung hyung. I want you to die cause if I cant have you so does he." I felt a sharp thing by my belly when I look down. He pointed a knife on me.

I cry and shook my head. "The first day I saw you in a maid dress. I'm in love with you. What a lucky girl you are to hyung" he smirk. He was about to stab me until I bite his hand.

He was kneeling on the ground in pain when I ran to the door screaming help. "Help! Oppa!" Please hear me. I get a pull by my hair. I look at jungkook he smile.

Taehyung's pov

While me and the hyungs were discussing about for the final court tomorrow. I heard someone screaming for help upstair. "Y/n! " me, namjoon and hobie hyung were running upstairs. We try to open the door but its lock.

"We need a key" namjoon hyung said. I panic. "There is no time for that just break the damn door! " me and hobie try to break the door. Yes we did it.

As I get in, I see jungkook holding a knife and try to stab y/n with it. "You jerk" I attack jungkook and namjoon with hobie get y/n.

"I had enough with you jungkook. Why me? Why my life? Why her? Are you crazy!?" I look at him and punch his face. "Let say its all fair hyung plus she looks pretty the day I met her" I punch him again and namjoon went to us trying to keep us apart.

"Stop it the both of you" namjoon hold me. Then namjoon get push by jungkook and starting to attack me again. I see hobie holding y/n while y/n try to release herself. "Oppa!"

Then in the just a blink of an eye. Jungkook stab me not to deep then namjoon hold a vase and throw it at jungkook. Jungkook fainted while I'm still holding my wound.

Y/n crawl to me and held me tight. "Hang in there oppa" I smile and sit up seeing her kneeling. She hug me and I hug her back. After the hug, I look jungkook laying pass out beside me.

"What are we going to do with him?" Hobie said. I don't know what to think but only thinking of her.

She safe again.




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