Part 21

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Y/n's pov

I don't want him to be a murderer. We just got married. Did he kill Ms. Minatozaki? If he did, i'm glad cause I hate the women.

But why does he have too? Why?. As I always in my thought I felt someone grab my arm. What?

*who is it? Who is it?*

Taehyung's pov

I had lose her once, I wouldn't lose her again. I don't care who I am. If she know, she knows. I need her back in my arm.

"I'll stay"

I didn't even think twice, so I ran to her. I have search at all place here is airport. No signs of her. Where could she be?

I went outside and there she is. Standing and probably waiting? She doesn't seem busy calling a taxi. I smile.

I walk toward her and grab her wrist. She turn around with her puffy red eyes, red nose and dry tears on her puffy cheek.

She was about to run for me but I grip her tightly. "Y/n, here me out" she stop  but didn't turn around. Is she giving me a time to explain? Whatever.

"I did that because I was losing my mind. I never thought of how important there life is. But they are not important to me. I kill them because once I found you, I would love to have them disturb you or disturb us. I only want you baby. Only you. I kill people touched my wife, my priority, my love." I hold both o her hand and look at her.

I can see her tears fallen and I wipe it for her.

"I want you back please baby. I can't think straight. Just let me responsible for this crime only you promise to stay with me. I've lose you once, not his time anymore. Please just give me a second chance and let me prove I only love you and I promise I wont kill any girls again" I move my finger to her, make her facing me.

I make her stare at my eyes searching for the truth inside me. Believe me y/n. I love you.

Y/n's pov

I look at him and he is telling the truth. Should I give it a chance to him? He is my husband. My crush since childhood.

I never believe any guy than him. His eyes telling me everything. I nod slowly and look at him.

"I'll give you a chance. Fine! But you promise you won't kill any of them or I might kill you myself." I can see those smile appear on his face.

I cant help it and smile back.

"I promise I won't." He said. I nod. "What are we going to do now?" He look at me and searching for words.

"We both fly to my hometown without anyone notice I'm there except for the boys." I nod. By shock he took my phone. "This phone and my phone" he took out his phone. "Would be ended up in the trash can. We'll be fine, i'll buy you a new phone later now we don't need them" I shrugged again. But I need them.

He sigh and cupped my cheek. "So that no one cant track us baby".I give him a 'oh' faces stand that I understood.

"Come on or we'll be missed our flight" he was about to drag me inside but I stop him. "Oppa what about the others. You did said you want to live at our hometown. But what if they knew you? It has been in all K-News. The security?" He smile and wink. Wait what?

"Don't worry, I have a friend go sneak inside. Now come on" he drag me inside and i'm so done with this dragging.

Skip to the hometown~

Finally we're at Taehyung's hometown also mine. Because I also grew up here.

Taehyung wearing a cap and a mask so that no one recognise him. He had call someone to pick him up before we get here. As we walk to the security there is one security wink at taehyung. Gay!? Wait no it's a friend of him. Whoopsy hehe.

Taehyung bow at him and we get pass the security. We walk outside and get in the black tinted car.

"Take us to my house" the driver nod and I was speechless. How the fuck many house is this guy had?

First at Seoul, second Japan and he does has a home here? Wow. I look at him and he look the outside of the window.

I took his hand and he turn to me. I smile and cuddle his arm. "I thought you just mad at me bring a murderer" I smile. "I am. But I guess I love you so much and that can't stop me"

I can feel him smile and I just close my eyes rest in his arm.

Skip to his house~

"Baby? Wake up. We have arrived" I open my eyes slowly and look at him. He smile and peck my lips. "Come outside" he open the car door and went out.

I walk out and look at the view. Wow. He really afford this shit good. "Do you love it?" I look at him and nod fastly. "Great. Go inside and I be in there a minute" I nod and went inside.

As I went inside, I look around the building and the place is really tidy, clean. Now that is why I love him. I heard the footstep and someone just wrap their arms around me. I already know who is it.

"Let start a new life here".I facing him and nod. "Sure" both of us lean to eachother and kiss.

Start a new life here. That'll be nice.






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