Part 8

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Y/n's pov

I was sleep peacefully until "Y/n WAKE UP YOU SLEEPYHEAD! COME WITH ME TO WORK TODAY AND AFTER THA WE GO OUT" he destroy my peaceful sleeping beauty. I growl and heard BANG BANG BANG! "ARE YOU EVEN LISTENING? " I growl again and yell. "I'M AWAKE OKEY!? "

I sat up and look at him open a door. "Morning,now get ready. I'll be waiting for you downstairs. Dont be late~" he shut the door and i sigh. "What a nice wake up call from my own boss" i smile annoyed and get up taking my towel and rush to the bathroom.

As i'm done bathing,i went out and get ready for myself. I'm wearing a dress thats not too short but fit. I mean hey! I have a great body. Hehe

I take my bag inside my phone,wallet,extra make up and other stuff inside. I went outside and walk towards downstair. "I'm ready!" With that i look at taehyung and he look at me with shock.

Taehyung's pov

"I'm ready!" I heard from her. I look at and i shock looking at her. I look at her to head until toes. "I know i'm beautiful,you dont have to check on me tho" is she really flip her hair.

"Who give you permission to wear those clothes?" I look at her and she respond "what clothes? This dress is not to short and why are you care?"

I stand up from the couch and walk towards her. "This dress is too fit and yes i care so what?" and i heard she chuckle. Whats funny?

"Fyi Mr.Kim, im going out not as a maid but as a woman. I'm not your wife and i'm not your gf so dont even care what how i look. Okey?" Is she really talk back with me?.

"Tsk. Youre still my maid missy and i care about my worker how they look even how they dress. But since you dont want me to care,dont even think crawling to me and beg me to help if theres a guy checking on you" i smirk and ran to the door. "Are you coming or what?"

I open the door and get out went to my car.

Y/n's pov

"Crawling to you and beg..beg my pretty face. We'll see about that. Huh" i put on my heels and went out. I lock the door and went to his car. I was about to sit at the back seat until "why are you sitting on the back?"

I sighed "can i not?" He look at me on the mirror and smirk. "Sit infront with me if you dont want to me to get you at the back" i sighed "argh! Fine!" I open the car door and move my butt infront.

As i went infront, I put on my belt and ignore him. I growl. "Don't you growl at me y/n, bad dog" I glance at him and says "excuse me! I growl whenever I want and i'm not a dog or your dog, smartypants" I stick my tongue out and he gasp.

"Well a handsome smartypants am I?" I look at him and laugh "tsk, smartypants my pretty ass" as he was about to shoot me again, I cut him immediately "shoot me again, or we never going to arrived for your meeting smartypants" I heard him growl and I chuckle by myself.

As we arrive at his working place. We both get to the lobby and some of the worker here was keeping their eyes on me. I wish I brought a fork with me. I sighed.

I look at taehyung and says "yahhh! Why is everyone keep staring at me?" He look at me and say "cause you're a girl with me. The CEO. Hello? " wth argh! We both walked to the elevator and we both getting at the bag of the elevator since there is too many worker inside here.

I was next to taehyung and we both haven't enough room here. So we facing eachother. I sigh and look down. "Great" I mumble.

Taehyung's pov

"Great" she mumble so cutely. I smile and I was about to caressing her cheek until someone push her and ended up hugging me. I hug her back.

She was about to let go until I did something that wasn't my plan. I hold her back in my arms and say "Let me h-hold you, it seems there is n-no room for us" I heard she sigh but she never let go. I smile and sniffing her hair.

I went down to her ear and whisper. "Your hair smell nice. I love it" I can feel her cheeks burning sine she avoid eye contact with me.

After the worker left the elevator, the elevator stop at our floor. The elevator door was open and I took her hand and went to my office.

We both get to my office and I look at her. "You're coming with me to the meeting room. Don't do something stupid nor speak something stupid. Understood" I get my files and look at her. She nod and we both went outside again.

"Goodmorning Mr. Kim and Ms--" I look at my secretary "this is y/n now where is the meeting room since i'm late" she look at me "oh right, right this way.. Ms. Minatozaki is waiting for you inside Mr. Kim" I nod and take y/n inside with me.

We both went inside and see a girl standing infront of the window looking outside.

Sana's pov

I look at the mirror in the elevator one last time and fix myself. The elevator door was open and I went inside the building.

"Hello miss, may I help you? " I look around and says "hi i'm here for the appointment meeting with Mr. Kim, i'm Ms. Minatozaki I came here replacing my father for the Japanese company." I look at her.

"This way Miss" I follow her seems like a meeting room and I went inside. "Can I get you anything? " I turn to her and smile "no thankyou, i'm here just seeing Mr. Kim" she bow and left. "What took him so long tsk"

About 15 minutes I waited i heard the door open and knew it was him. "Mr- oh you have someone with you" i give a fake smile and look at her. "Ms.Minatozaki,im sorry for the time and yes i brought someone with me"

I smile and walk toward the chair. "Call me sana and who are you?" I look at him. He is hot. "I'm sorry Ms.Minatozaki,i cant call you by your name since i like to be formal with someone i will collabrate with. This is my wife Ms.Kim"

Y/n's pov

Wth! Wife! I didnt sign for this. I look at him in shock and he give me those look as if he was telling me to play the role.

I smile at her but death glare to me. He is so dead after this. "Ms.Kim is nice to meet you" the lady was lend her hands for me to shake and i respond it. "Its nice to me you too Ms.Minatozaki" she smile. But those smile seems full of hate. I can see this lady doesnt like me.


I hope you like this chapter haha
I add a new character that is Sana(twice)

Wanna know what happen next!?stay and read! Love y'all

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