part 19

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??? Pov

"Good morning what can I help you?" The police greet me. "I'm here sending something about the information missing girl"

I gave them the file and smile. "Evidence is in there" as they open the file I heard gasping and I walk toward the exit.

Get ready.

Y/n's pov

We have been in Paris for almost 4 days now. It's kinda fun having my honeymoon with the most generous heart husband.

Both of us cuddling on bed while watching TV until my phone buzz. I remove taehyung's arm that wrapped around me and get my phone from the lamp stand table.

I took it and there is a unknown messenger. I look and it said.

" you'll be in my arm again. You just got to wait. - unknown "

I look at the messenger frighten. Who is it? I gasp when the only thing cross my mind. Jungkook.

No he cant be. He is in jail like taehyung said. He can't let them go that easily. Positive thoughts, positive thoughts.

I felt someone holding my arm Andi turn around it's taehyung. I smile and hug him. He hug me back.

"Who was it?" Should I tell him. No. I must be wrong about that is jungkook.  "Oh nothing oppa just some random sale messenger " he nod and peck my forehead.

"Let's watch the movie again" I nod and cuddle up with him.

Namjoon's pov
In Korea.

I was reading my book in my room until I heard someone yelling from downstairs. "Hyung! Come downstairs!" I close my book and went downstairs.

"What? " all of us look at the TV. It's seems like a news. "It seems like the missing girls for past month had been kill by our CEO Mr. Kim, we have been report that Mr. Kim had kill this missing girls. The police try to capture him as soon as possible"

I turn around and take out my phone. I call a friend from a police station. Quickly.

"Hey, did you see the news?" - namjoon
"Yes I did, we got nothing to do namjoon. I'm sorry. We can't help" - police
"Aish" - namjoon

I hung up the call. What are we going to do?

I look at my friends and we all have a worried faces. "We have to do something to protect him" all of them nod.

"What about y/n, does she know? What if she know? " Jimin said. "Don't let her know about this" jin said. I agree. We have to inform taehyung now.

Be safe little bro.

Taehyung's pov

I was scrolling something on my phone while y/n is in the bathroom taking a shower. I have to take her somewhere tonight. Since it's our last night here.

I kept scrolling and scrolling. Then a call icon pop out. Namjoon? I answer and walk to the balcony.

"Taehyung" - namjoon
"What happen hyung? Is there anything happen? " - taehyung
"Someone just spoil your secret about killing those girls you dated. The police is here to haunt you." - namjoon
"Who the fuck did this? (Jungkook no he is in jail. Impossible)" - taehyung
"Idk who the fuck it is, only I can think is that you and y/n don't ever fly back here to Korea. Go somewhere else. Don't ever let y/n know" - namjoon.
"I won't tell her" - taeyung

I hung up and I felt two arms wrap around me. "You won't tell who?" I look down and see her.

I smile and turn facing her. I peck her lips. "Nothing sweety. Hyung doesn't want me to tel her crush about him" I smile. Nice excuse taehyung.

She smile and nod. "Lets go inside,its cold outside".we both went outside and i peck her.

"Im going to get ready okey pumpkin" she nod cutely. I get my towel and went to the bathroom.

"I have to be somewhere else than here. I wont let y/n know about the real me. I want her by my side. Who the fuck did this?jungkook is in jai,it cant be him"

I shrugged those thought away and have a fresh shower.

??? Pov

At last. My plan is working.




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