Part 3

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: Y/n's PoV
: At the venue

"Y/n!? " what the heck? Did he just yelled my name? Then i pulled my head up because a minute ago i was bowing.

Why is he yelling my name? Does he know me? Whatever.

"Yes Mr. Kim? " the i spoked, he was staring at me. Then the guy next to him wave his hand infront of him.

Then he snapped out. I think he is confused.

: Taehyung's PoV

Then i finally realise it was her. My love. My only love that i have been looking for.

"Yes Mr. Kim" omgosh the sound of her voice. I can best that voice and setting as my alarm or ringtone much better.

I didn't realised i was staring at her. Her beautiful eyes, her perfection. Her angelic voice. Her long black hair. She never change. Gosh i miss her.

But why can i remember her but she doesn't remember me? What the? Maybe i change a lot. Hmm

Then i saw a hand wave not so close to my face. It wakes me up from my daydream. Probably Namjoon's Hyung hand. Aish..

"What? " i asked namjoon hyung then he pointed at y/n. I looked at her again.

Her gaze is killing me damn!?.

After all the interview with her. Namjoon hyung let her go outside while me and him have to choose.

"So taehyung? Which one you like? " namjoon asked me. "I pick the last girl on our list. I can see she is better than anyone else. " then me and namjoon agree.

Then he goes outside to announce who had chosen to be a maid.

: Y/n's PoV

I just get out from the interview and im hoping i get the job. But why can i still thinking about Mr. Kim gaze? Do i know him from somewhere?

Well i have to sitted and waited for the annoucement.

About a minute later. A guy came from the door and annouce it.

" ladies. Me and Mr. Kim had already discussed about who is the lucky girl to be his maid. The name is in my hand" after he said that all girls go wild but not me.

" settle down ladies. But there is only one girl who get to be chosen. Im sorry for the test of you. Maybe try next time. Okey then the girl who get the job is... Ms. Kim Y/n"

I get shocked when i heard my name been called and yes! I get the job. I GET THE JOB.

" Ms. Kim, Mr. Kim Taehyung wants to see you after the venue. " than i nodded.

After awhile all the girls are gone just left me alone here still at the venue.

I was sitting and waiting. When i heard a door open.

Then the guy came to me.

"Are you ready to go Ms. Y/n? " When i lifted my head to see the figure and it was him Mr. Kim Taehyung.

The i nodded.

We heading to the basement and went to his car. It was a silent ride. So i manage to sleep.

: Taehyung's PoV

I'm gladly i choose her to be my maid. Im happy because i can her everyday at my house. My love i misses you so much. Why can't you remember me?

Im not gonna tell her who i am to her. Maybe some other time.

While i was driving, i wanted to tried talk to her. But i can see she is sleeping.

Gosh why are you so cute even you are sleeping? I love you y/n. I promise i won't let you go this time.

Then the traffic light was red. So i leaned closer and peck her cheek. How i miss those puffed cheek.

After an hour ride. We had arrived home.

I tried to wake her up but she is not response. Probably she is tired.
So i tooked her to her room and slowly lending her on her bed. I tried not to wake her up.

Then i came closer and said "sleep well princess. " then i pecked her forhead.

: Y/n's PoV

I was so sleepy then i felt something soft. It was a bed?? Wait how can i get on the bed? I am not in my room but..?

It must be my new room since i get accepted as a maid. But how can i get here? Probably Mr. Kim was taking me since i am a heavier sleep.

Such a nice boss.

Then i smiled. I went outside to the kitchen. Man!?  This house is bigger. How can i find a kitchen!?,

After a minute walking on circle i finally found a kitchen. Then i heard someone humming must be Mr. Kim.

I was getting closer to the kitchen and there he is. Probably cooked dinner. Then i immediately went to him.

" Good evening Mr. Kim. You know you don't have to come since now i am your maid, i can cooked for you. Here let me do it" i was about too cooked until he spoked

" Good evening to you too Ms. Kim. I was about to called you for making dinner. But you were deep in sleep. I can't barely to wake you up. So i make dinner for us. You can relaxed for today" then he smiled.

So cute.

"Okey then" then i went to the stool and sat.

After we had dinner. I went to my bedroom and have a night routine.

I laid on my bed and thinking again. Do i know Mr. Kim? Have i met him before?

He looks so familliar.

I sighed then i went to sleep.

End of part 3

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