Part 14

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Y/n's pov
[A month]

It's been a month now since tae leave to Japan for his business. I miss him.

I'm at home alone. He will be here tomorrow as Joonie oppa said.

I was at the garden until I heard voices. "Y/n!" I smile. "Must be the boys, I'm here!" I said it out loud for them to hear.

"Y/n what are you doing here alone in the garden?" I smile and look at them. "I feel relief when i'm here" I sigh and smile at the rose garden. Namjoon Pat my head and he smile. "We know you miss him y/n, look at the bright sight he will be here tomorrow"

I smile again. "Hey guys let's go inside.  Y/n come" I nod "later". They all nod and ran back inside.

Since tae leave to Japan, he doesnt want me to be alone so he let me stay with the boys. They are funny and cheerful also friendly. But there is something fishy about Jungkook. He kept nearing me but i avoided him.

As i look at the roses,i heard footsteps but ignore it. "You can have the roses if you want too y/n" i turn around to see who voice belong and no suprise is jungkook. I smile and not say a word.

"I miss you y/n. I miss to hear that cute voice of yours" i rolled my eyes and keep walking. But the more i walk the more he follow.

I stop and turn. He was so close to me."why on earth are you following me?" I look at him and he smile. "Because i like you". I turn around and walk faster.

I almost fell because of the rock. How did that rock get here!? I didnt fell under the ground instead someone capture me.

I look at its jungkook. "Be careful sweety,you might trip" i scoff and push him away. "Dont ever call me sweety! Only Taehyung can call me that" i ran towards the enter until he said something.

"You will never let hyung call you that anymore one day." I turn and look at him. That smirk i hate the most. "What do you mean?" He walk closer and stop infront of me. "You'll see" then he went inside. Wtf!?

Taehyung's pov

"Sir,she was planning on killing y/n after she get to korea." I smirk. That devil. Is she obses enough? "She will never get to korea. NEVER." I smirk and get ready. "Tell the pilot to get ready a plane for me to fly back home."

"Yes sir,when are you going back?" I smirk again. "Midnight. After i finish my business". I took out my phone and send a text for her.

" meet me at the restaurant ×××× be there on time. I would like to have a last dinner with you before i fly back - Mr.Kim"

And send!

I smirk and went out. I look at my driver and ask him to take me to the Japanesse restaurant.

Skip to the restaurant~

I was waiting for her until i saw a girl infront of me. "Ms. Minatozaki, loveky to see you here" i smile fakely.

She sit infront of me and she smile. "Mr.Kim,i never thought this could happen. Are you sure your soon to be wife will be fine about this?" I can see she is smirking. Huh.

"She will never know,please enjoy your dinner". As we both eat dinner i signal the waiter to get us a drink.

The drink had arrived. "Wine,how generous" i smile and we having a cheer. As i was drinking my wine,she drink hers. I smirk as i stop drinking. "How was the wine?" She seem dizzy. "It-its good" i smile. "Hoping that you will see the end of your world" i continue eating my dinner.

"What?" I smile and she fainted there. "Thats for trying to get back to korea and kill my love" i wipe my mouth with napkins. I stood up and check her pulse.

Stop beating. I call someone I know to take care of the body. Before that I look at her for the last time. "Don't ever mess with me or my love"

I stood up and went to the waiter that was with me. "Here is your tip. Thankyou for that and remember keep your mouth shut" I smile at him and went out.

I went inside the car and look at my watch. An hour before midnight. Great. "Back to the hotel to get my thing after that sent me to the airport" I look outside the window. "Yes sir."

Y/n's pov

"No! I don't want to do that! Hey this is not fair" I whine at them. "You have to do it y/n it's the game rule. You lose anyway" hobie oppa said. "I hate you guy!" I said it to them. "We love you too y/n" cutie.

I was about to do my dareuntil my phone rang. "Hold on, excuse me" I went to the kitchen and answer the call.

"Hey jagi" - taehyung
"Oppa! " - y/n
"Miss me?" - taehyung
" a lot " - y/n
"Aw. I miss you too. What are you doing? " -taehyung
"Oh me and the boys just play some game truth or Dare. They made me brush my teeth with vinegar and ketchup" - y/n
"Aw. I'll be home and I won't let them bully my baby" - taehyung
"Hehe" - y/n
"I have to go now. Bye jagi" - taehyung
"Bye oppa" - y/n

I hung up the call and smiling.

"Am I blind or what? I just see y/n smiling. Who was it?" Jin oppa said "ofc it's taehyung you idiot" suga said.

I chuckle and nod. I walk to them and sit on my chair earlier. "What did he said y/n" jimin said "ofc something sweet like smoochy smoochy" hobie said.

"You guys!" I blush at them and they just laugh. But someone was not. Jungkook.

"Excuse me" I see jungkook stood up and walk to the door. "Yahh! What's wrong with him?" Jin said.

I look curious. Is he mad?

Jungkook's pov

Why can't she answer my call? Service not reach? She ruin the plan.

I guess I have to do my own plan.
You will be mine




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