Part 17

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Taehyung's pov

I heard namjoon got a call from the police station. He had a friend work there. They said some guy found a bridal looking girl tied up at the abandoned factory. Could it be? Y/n?

I didn't think enough and I let namjoon take me to the police station.

As we arrived, I rush toward the police station and went to namjoon's friend.

"Where is this person?" I look at him and pointed someone behind me. "He is right there" I look behind me and see a guy.

I walk toward him and put my hands on his shoulder. "Are you the one who found her?" He nod. "What is your name?" I stare at him.

"I'm Jackson" I ask again. "Jackson tell me everything, where do you find her" he breath heavily and release.

"I was walking to the woods alone and I heard yelling from that abandoned factory. I went there and take a peek by the hole. I see a girl with a bridal looking girl tied up on the chair" I look at him. "Did you see someone with her? "

He shook his head. I sighed and look at him again "but you know where is that place are you" he nod. I'm coming y/n, hang in there.

As we already got a information about y/n. We will take action now.

Y/n's pov

I'm thirsty, tired, hungry and I miss him. Where is he? Is going yo be night day and he didn't show up. I sighed and cry.

I heard the doorknob being unlock and twist. "Sweety times to eat!" If it's not the Jeon Jerkass.

I didn't dare to look at him but he pull my head making me facing him. "What do you want? " I ask. He smile and show me the food.

"I thought maybe you're hungry so I bought you this." I look away. "I'm n-not hungry" he whine. "But I want you to eat sweety" I rolled my eyes at him.

"I don't believe you! Probably there is poisonous in those food" he shook his head and hand signing a 'no'. "I love you y/n, I'm not that bad to poison you. Please eat" he took a fulfill spoon and feed infront of me.

I hesitated to take it until he shove the spoon inside my mouth.

He keeps feeding me until I felt dizzy again. I look two jungkook. It's blur. "Whoops, I forgot to tell you this but I don't want to make you eat poison but drug." He drug me!

"How d-dare y-you? " I was about to close my eyes. "I will having you all to myself tonight y/n" all I heard belt shuffle and shot.

The last I heard is the sound of taehyung before I pass out.

Taehyung's pov

As the police do they work, we keep our distance closer to the factory and I will come as they said I can.

I wait and wait until that walkie talkie said "let Mr. Kim come inside. We found her"

I ran inside with some mens. I heard gunshot and as I arrived to the room. I look at Jungkook fell down on the floor with his bloody arm, I ran to y/n looking her lifeless.

"Baby! Wake up!  It's me! I'm sorry that is too late please don't leave me! " I cry with her in my arm.

"Call the ambulance" I heard the man said.

I lean closer to her ear and peck her cheek. "Don't leave me~"

Y/n's pov

*beep beep beep*

I try to open my eyes. It's too bright. Where am I? Smell like hospital.

I look beside me and there he is. The love of my life holding my hands. I smile and call him. "Oppa?"

He woke up and look at me. He stood up immediately and cup my cheek. "Baby you're awake! Are you okey? Are you hurt? I'm sorry darling for keeping you waiting"

I can see he had a teary eyes but forbidden to fall. "Shh oppa I'm okey, I'm not hurt and it's okey. I just knew you will never giving up on me" I smile.

"I will never giving up on you. Never. " he lean his forehead on my forehead. "I love you baby" I smile.

"I love you too oppa, thank-you for saving me" I hug him and he hugs me back.

I wonder where jungkook is? Does he lock up in jail. Huh~

Jungkook's pov

I will get you back y/n. Soon enough you will be mine.

Sorry hyung but your wife seems attractive and she had capture my heart.





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