Part 11

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Y/n's pov

He lean closer and closer ---
Wait what!? I thought- speechless

Taehyung's pov

There is a dust on y/n's hair, so I lean closer and get it. "There no dust" I look at her and she stare at me.

"What" I chuckle, she sigh "nothing oppa" then she turn away. Did I just do something terrible? Is that dust belong there?

Y/n's pov

Damn! I thought he is going to kiss me! So embarassing! I look at him from the corner of my eyes and look at his curious reaction.

"Oppa, i'm going to go to my room. See you" I ran upstairs and went to my room. As I get to my room, I lay down on my bed smiling crazy.

"I can't believe my boss is my childhood crush hehe" i hold the necklace he bought me"

"I can't believe I thought he is going to kiss me. Argh!! Pabo-ahh" I get my pillow and hold it to scream.

Taehyung's pov

I heard everything. So that is why she turn around? She thought maybe I kiss her? I want too but it's too soon. 

Y/n you are so cute. "Ouch! My heart"

I smile happily walk downstairs until I heard my phone buzzing. I took it out and look at the contact.

I answer the call

"Hello Mr. Kim?"
"Hello, who is this?" - taehyung
"Mr. Kim, it's me Sana" - sana
"Sana who?" - taehyung
"Sana, Ms. Minatozaki from Japanese company" - sana
"Oh right. Where did you get my number? " - taehyung
"I got it from your secretary " - sana
"Okey. So bye" - taehyung

I was about to hung up then

"Wait! Mr. Kim, my father wants to have a dinner with you"- sana
"Hm. I guess sure" -taehyung
"Okey see you at 7,goodbye Mr. Kim" - sana

I hung up immediately. Her father better be there.

I went to her room and knock on her door. "Y/n?" The door was open and she only open a bit. "Yes oppa? "

"I want you to go with for dinner with the client" I smile and at her "hmm why?" I lean closer to her "because I want to show them my new girlfriend more than that future to-be wife "

She laugh and ended looking srs. "Mr. Kim, am I your girlfriend? Is that how you ask a girl? Haha" then she shut the door.

"Wth! Y/n? Are you going with me or not? " I put my ear on her door. "YES! " I smile to myself.

Sana's pov

"Father! Mr. Kim said yes" I look at my father and he nod.

"And you young lady dont do something stupid toward Mr. Kim" I nod but am I?

I want to know who is she to him.
Wife? He is must be bluffing.

I guess I have to wear something pretty that can make his eyes on me.

Taehyung's pov

I was in my room, trying to find a perfect outfit for dinner. But why I can't choose? I know!


I wait for her and I see her. "What is it?" I can she kinda had a panic attack.  "Hehe can you help me choose a perfect suit for tonight? I want to look formal"

"Wth oppa! I thought you said emergency? " I look at her "it is emergency, emergency that I can't find the right suit" I scratched the back of my neck

"You're got to be kidding me. I'm not a fashion police oppa. Call your friend? " I shook my head cutely. "You are lucky that I love you" she what??

"What? " I smile and she laugh "nothing"

Y/n's pov

Oh shit! Did I said I love you? "Come here, I know a perfect suit" I walk toward the dark blue suit with white T.  "Here you go"

He smile and peck my forehead "thankyou you're a lifesaver" I laugh awkwardly,he peck me on my forehead.

"Are you blushing?" I look straight at him and hide my cheek. Its burning hell! "Im n-not blushing" i heard him chuckle again "yes you are! " I glance at him "shut up! "

He laugh and went closer to me. He take my hands that cupping  my cheek. "You look cute" our lips weren't that far and mind blowing!

He peck my lips!!

He smile after the peck! Shit it's real!

"Now go and pick a nice dress for me okey, I want you to look cute and pretty" I smile at him and nod.

I went to my room and smile crazy again.

Taehyung's pov

Does she like my peck? Argh jinjja! You're so cool Kim Taehyung!

I look at the clock in my room. It's 4 pm so I have to get ready early.

I get my towel and went to my bathroom.

Taehyung's & y/n's pov

"Stop beating you damn heart!"




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