Part 6

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Y/n's pov

As I was bringing water to Jungkook. I give him a glass of water. "Here you go jungkook" he smile and says "thankyou y/n" I nod and was about to walk away until he stop me.

"Y/n, you look pretty and now I know why hyung pick you" he said that out of the blue but I just smile and continue doing my work.

Jungkook's pov

Is it her that hyung been searching. Kim y/n was it? I'm glad hyung had found her. What's this? Crap my heart is beating. I look on my chest and look at her cleaning the kitchen. She is pretty.

Taehyung's pov

"ARGHHHH! THIS IS NOT WHAT I NEED. HOW COME YOU DIDNT CHECK?" I was bursting in flame on hot steamy weather. "I'm sorry Mr. Kim, I will do it right next time. I promise this won't happen again" she bow so many times and I sigh "FINE! do this again, you're fired. Get out"

She bow again and I was spinning on my chair. I stop spinning my chair and take out my phone. I dial the number and call her.


"Hello?" - y/n
"Hi, what are you doing y/n" - taehyung
"I'm just about finish cleaning Mr. Kim" - y/n
"Y/n, I did said earlier don't call me Mr. Kim" - taehyung
"Sorry Taehyung hehe. Oh! You're friend is here. Mr. Jeon" - y/n
"It's okey. Jungkook? Okey tell him that I'm about to finish working and I will be home soon. Cook dinner also, I cancel my dinner with my client" - taehyung
"Yes taehyung" - y/n

I hung up the call and start finishing my work. That cute chuckle damn it! I hope jungkook doesn't do anything that guy is such a wildest man. I'll be home soon love.

Y/n's pov

He hung up the call and I smile. I went to Jungkook as he was watching TV. "Jungkook, Mr. Kim said he will home soon after he was done with his work and he will have a dinner with you later" I smile and he nod then back to his show.

I went to the kitchen and start to prepare ingredients. While I was busy looking something in the fridge, someone just put his hand on my waist. I turn around and see jungkook.

"Jungkook? What are you doing? Get off of me" he had those smile and say "let me hold you for once" I shook my head and try to lose his grip on me. "Jungkook please get off. I'm begging you" with that he let me go. I tidy myself and look at him.

"I can't help it" that's the only thing he said. "I don't want to harm you or anything since you're my boss's friend and please don't disturb me" I turn away and ran far away from him.

I look around the corner of my eyes and see he went to the living room again. I sighed and hoping that taehyung came back early.

Taehyung's pov

While I was finishing my last work. I heard my phone buzzed and look at the contact "namjoon hyung" I answer it.

"Wassup?" - taehyung
"Hey, how was the new maid? " - namjoon
"She is fine hyung" - taehyung
"Good. Now are you sure that is her? " - namjoon
"I'm sure that is her hyung. You don't have to worry. I got to go hyung, I'm almost finish my work" - taehyung
"Okey see ya soon bye"- namjoon
"Bye hyung " - taehyung

He hung up and I was still working on my last work. After awhile working, I clean up my desk and look at the photo frame of me and her when we're still a child. "How come you so cute back then and pretty now? I can't wait to get home"

I was packing my stuff and ran to my exit door. I was about to ran to the elevator until my secretary stop me. "Mr. Kim where are you going? How about dinner with the clients? " I look at her "cancel and move to the day I'm free. Okey? Anything else?" She look at her memo book and say "tomorrow you have a meeting from the Japanese new company here in soul"

"Okey. Take a check and make sure I'm free. If you excuse me, I have to go" she bow to me and I walk to the elevator. I smile crazy and I can't wait to get my feet to my house.

I walk to the basement and find my car. I open up and get inside. I start the engine and put on my seatbelt after that home I'm coming!

Y/n 's pov

I was in the kitchen cooking dinner for Taehyung and Jungkook. I really don't know his favourite but I just cook bulgogi, seaweed soup and a homemade kimchi I found in the fridge.

When I was cooking. The door bell rang. I slow down the stove and clean my hands. I went to the door and open it. "Welcome home Mr. Kim" I smile and he smile back.

He came inside. "Here let me help you with that blazer and suitcase" I open his blazer and get his suitcase.  "I'm going to put this in your room" he nod and I went upstairs quickly. As I went upstairs,i sniff his blazer and still had that scent of aroma. Gosh this man!

Taehyung's pov

As y/n went upstairs, i went to the living room to see jungkook. "Jungkook-ahh,long time i havent see you" i gave him a hug and we both do our handshake. "I'm fine hyung. How about you,you seem skinny?" I dart him and slap his shoulder "i'm fine and im not that skinny"

I look y/n ran downstairs and went to the kitchen. "Y/n!is the dinner ready?" And she respond "a few minute will be done!" I smile and look at jungkook. We both talk random things . "Hyung is she the one?" And i look at her then i smile back to jungkook. I nod

"Yes she is" then i see jungkook nod and keep glancing at her. " you better not doing anything to her kookie. She is mine and you know me. Touch my property,you will face it tonight"

I see jungkook chuckle and say "hyung i wont still her from you." I smirk "you better not" then i heard she calling "Mr.Kim,Mr.Jeon dinner is ready" both of us stand up and went to the dining table. I look at the food and its smell nice and all of them are my favourite. I look at her.

"Join us y/n,this food is amazing and alot. Duty is over for tonight. Sit down and eat with us." She nod cutely and take off her apron. I sit down in the middle while jungkook sitting facing y/n.

As we eat,i notice jungkook keep staring at y/n and i had this feeling that y/n is uncomfortable. Something odd and fishy in here. I would ask her later about this.


End chapter 6
Hope y'all love it!!

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