Part 18

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Taehyung's pov

Today will be today. Finally! What day you say? It's my wedding day! It has been a month now and y/n had finally sign out from the hospital.

Jungkook was in jail and I hope he doesn't do anything badly after this.

I will keep my soon to be wife safe.

"The bride is ready taehyung" namjoon whisper and I had my smile on.

The sound of music.
I had my eyes on the door. As the door open, there she is. Walking down the aisle. The more I see her, the more she shine.

She finally arrived at the altar making funny faces with me. Dorky!

I took her hand with me and we facing the Priest.

Skip the vow~

"You may kiss the bride" the Priest smile. I look at her and we both staring at eachother.

"Don't you give me those sloppy kisses oppa. My lipstick will ruin" she whisper. I smirk at her and lean in. "So? I can do whatever I want Mrs. Kim"

I kiss her and it's a long kiss. No sloppy kiss children!

After the kiss. I stare at her and pick her up bridal way. I ran to the hall door and everyone was cheering.

She is finally mine. Official Mrs. Kim.

Y/n's pov

I was in the car with my Mr. Kim. Hehe. Finally i'm married with someone I love.

I was smiling to myself staring. Until I felt someone hold my hand. I look Ay my beside. A smiling husband.

I hold his i and smile. "After this, go pack our stuff cause we have a plane to catch" I furrowed my eyebrow.

"Plane? Where" he smile and kiss the back of my hand. "Our honeymoon sweety. We're going to Paris" I smile and give him a serious face.

"I love you kim taehyung! " I hug him while he is driving and peckii8 his cheek. "I love you more kim y/n" he peck my lips and continue driving.

?? Pov

"I heard they have a plane to catch. Where? Paris. Alright boss. You got my word." I said.

"Don't do anything until he came back." I hummed in yes.

Taehyung's pov

Both of us were in my private jet. I was looking through my files and laptop. While my wife boring herself.

"Oppa~ it's our honeymoon, why do you have to work too?" I see her infront of me.

"Darling, I'm just gonna check and we have the time of our life again" I hear her growl. "Can you atleast pay attention to me? Am I important than work? "

I look at her and smile. "Ofc work is important darling. Can you see why I am being this success? Work" I heard her growl at me. "So why are you MARRYING ME?"

I look at her and close my files also my laptop. "Because you're the love of my life. My medicine. My happiness. Isn't that enough to prove why i'm marrying you?" I learn toward her and peck her lips.

"Should we go to the toilet and do our 'business'? " I look at her in smirk. She immediately shook her head and I laugh.

"Mr and Mrs. Kim, you'll be arrived in Paris any moment." The pilot said. I give him a nod and smile. I turn to her, looking out of the window.

I smile and read my book.

Y/n's pov

"Darling? Baby?" I open my eyes seeing taehyung infront of me. "Oppa? Had we arrive? " he nod and peck my forehead.

"You're so sleepy. After we get to the hotel, you can rest" I smile. He was about to leave until he turn back to me. "Oh baby, you might need to fix your make up before you go out"

I look at him in strange. I took out NY mini mirror and look at my face. Wtf! "YAHH KIM TAEHYUNG!"

I can't believe this. Is he really did that? He draw a kitten look on my face with a marker. Gladly it's not permanent. Oh he will get it.

I went to the jet restroom to clean and fix my make up.





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