Part 9

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Sana's pov

This is not what I plan for. Is he really married? How come father never told me. I can't believe it. I must find out.

Taehyung's pov

It's been an hour meeting and that Sana girl haven't say a thing about her father's company. What she does is staring at me.

"Ms. Minatozaki, I think we have done with our meeting today. You may leave" she smile and standing up from her sit and bow. "Thankyou for your time Mr. Kim n Mrs. Kim" she went to the door before that she wink at me. Ugh!

I tidy my files and sit on my chair again. I sigh frustrated. "Are you frustrating or me frustrating? Had I lost my hearing or did you just said something impossible? " I look at her and ignore her "I don't wanna hear and please"

"Wtf you just call me? Your wife? Uhm Mr. Kim, I read the contract and i'm not blind. I work as a maid no work as your wife" she look at me and I face her closer and she froze"so what? I can call you whatever I want. I can scream saying you're my wife and nothing you can do about it"

I take my files and went back to my office,leave her alone there.

Y/n's pov

I wish I can choke the hell out of him. Argh! I went out and get inside his office.

I look at him tidy his desk and I walk toward him. I ask him again "why are you saying that i'm your wife? " I heard him sigh "listen y/n, I didnt mean too. Just forget"

"Forget it!?  My boss just say that i'm his wife" he went closer to me and lean closer. I can't barely look at his eyes so I just look straight to his chest.

"Would you like if I call you my wife? You did said you can't forget so might we say you like it" I look at him and he that smirk. Hell he is hot but no no.  He can't fool me.

"I didn't said I like it nor love it. It is just that.. T-that feels uncomfortable o-okey" why am I stuttering?? He chuckle "you have to get used to it then. My wife" I push him hard and start to blush. Not right now!

I heard him laughing and get his thing. "Come on let's go. We have to go to the mall" I nod and walk out faster than him.

Skip to the mall~

We had arrive to the mall and look how big this mall is. Then I heard that annoying voice again. "Have you never see a mall before? " I look at him annoyed "I do have. It is just this is so big"

We went inside, first we go to the supermarket.

I let him take the cart and go infront. As we both look at the fresh market center,taehyung keep holding my shoulder since he wants to see what meat i took. There was an old women just came to us "you look so cute together, honey look at this cute married couple" and his husband look at us. "They are so cute. Oh are you have a beautiful wife"

I look at them and shook my head. "I'm sorry ma'am,sir..but we're not a married couple" i smile and they look at eachother confusing. "Im sorry child. I maybe mistook. But you are the cutest." I smile and they both walk away.

I look at the meat again until someone wrapped his arms around my waist,i already know who is it by that scent. "You know she might be right" i took his arms off and put the meat in the cart. I just ignore.

Why does my heart skip??

Taehyung's pov

The old lady was right. We are the cutest couple. I want that to be true but maybe not now.

I push the cart and follow her to the candy bar section,i look at her trying to reach the top shelf of that chocolate. I was looking at her while she trying to reach.

"Need some help?" She look at the chocolate. "No thankyou,i'm fine" i smile and went to her. I went from behind and take the chocolate that she trying to reach. I give it to her and smile.

"Here. See is not that hard for asking help y/n." She take the chocolate "t-thankyou taehyung-ahh" she blush again and i smile. "Shortie" i take the cart and went to the cashier,i heard she yell and cursing at me. I laugh by her cuteness.

Y/n pov

We had bought everything,we're on our way to eat until there is a jewelry shop make me stop.

I saw a heart ring shape necklace by that glasses and taehyung seems notice me stop walking. "What are you looking at?" I sigh "what am i looking at then?a guy..that is a beautiful necklace"

I smile but start to fade "but see from here i know is expensive. Come on lets go,i'm starving" i went to walk off from that jewelry shop.


So did taehyung actually bought that necklace for her?

Stay and read!

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