Part 12

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Taehyung's pov

The night had fallen and i'm waiting for her downstairs. Girl always ready so late. "Argh we're going to be late if she-"

"I'm here, sorry i'm late" as I look up, I see her wearing a beautiful dress and her hair fall, her make up wasn't that clowny. I lost my word.

"Taehyung? Oppa?" I look at her waving her hand infront of me. "Oh i'm sorry" she tuck her hair behind her ear.

She smile and I look at her. "So how do I-i look?" She look at me and I smile "beautiful like an angel" and I smile at her and peck her forehead.

"Let's go. We're going to be late"

Skip to the car~

Y/n's pov

He look so handsome with one hand holding a steering wheel and one hand holding his hair.

I can't stop staring at-

"You know, I remember your mom did tell you about it's rude to staring at people including me" I look away and feel embarassed.

"Yes i'm staring at you so what? " I look at him and cross both my arms. "Do you want me to stop this car and turn back home? " I bite my lips "n-no just k-keep driving"

As we arrive at the restaurant. We both walk out from the car. I look myself at the window of the car. Then I felt taehyung behind me. "You look beautiful don't worry" I smile and he intertwine our hand.

We went inside and there is some kind manager of the restaurant walk toward us. "Mr. Kim welcome and you brought a fine woman. You must be Mrs. Kim" I was about to say something until taehyung cut me.

"She is. Now can you show me the table of where Ms. Minatozaki? " he nod and show us the way.

I kept holding a tight grip on tae's hand. Am I nervous?

Taehyung's pov

I felt her tighten her grip. I lean to her ear and whisper. "Don't be nervous. I'm here"

I smile and she smile back. We found our table with two people that is already sitting on the table.

"Mr. Kim" I greet my someone. "Mr. Huzaki *I'm sorry idk wht to call sana's father* is finally nice to meet you" I smile and shake his hand.

"I think you already met my daughter Minatozaki Sana" I nod "yes Ms. Minatozaki. Mr. Huzaki this is my wife, I mean soon to be my wife. Ms. Y/n"

"She is pretty Mr. Kim" I wrap my arm around her waist and peck her cheek. "So let's have our dinner while talking about the company Mr. Huzaki". We both laugh and talk.

"So Ms. Y/n, what work you do? " I hear sana asking. I look at y/n and she look at me while forcing a smile.

Sana's pov

Soon to be wife!? Yeah right. You ain't bluffing me Mr. Kim.

We all eat and I kept staring at y/n.  "So Ms. Y/n, what work you do? " instead of her, Mr. Kim answer my question "she work as maid, what's wrong with that?"

I laugh "a maid? Are you kidding me? A CEO want to be with a maid" I laugh and I don't care if someone see me.

"Sana what are you laughing about? That's so rude of you" I look at my father. "Father can you believe this. Mr. Kim the famous CEO saying his soon to be wife is his own maid. She probably doesn't have a money to afford that dress"

"Ms. Minatozaki!"

Y/n's pov

I look down to my hands. I hate this night.

Then I heard someone yelling Sana's name. I look up it's taehyung.

"Ms. Minatozaki!" I gasp and afraid "don't ever say something bad about her. She maybe a maid, she maybe have no money to afford that dress but atleast she had a heart not like like you"

What he said maybe get to my heart but what he said next definitely capture my heart.

"I love her and I don't care she is a maid. She will be Mrs. Kim after I came back from Japan. I think we're done here Mr. Huzaki. I need to go home. Let's go y/n"

I smile at him and take his hand. We both rushing to the exit and we stop here infront of the car.

He turn to me and I look at him. He hold cupped my cheek and smile. "I won't let anyone hurt you like she said those bad thing about you. Plus you look more sexy wearing that dress than her" I giggle and he stare at my eyes.

"Taehyung? " he put his finger on my lips. "Shh" he went closer and give me a kiss.


After a minute he pull away and smile. "Are you waiting for my kiss this noon? " I gasp and say "what! N-no i'm not"

He had those srs face "y/n srsly?" I sighed "yes so what?" He lean closer and whisper "so that I can kiss you everyday like this and i'm not getting tired" he bite his lip.

I push him away and open the car door. Great! Still lock. "Open the door idiot" he chuckle and open the car.

I went inside quickly. Gosh is he srs?
But I ended up smiling.

This night is amazing




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