Lon'qu x Reader

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A fearsom sword was gripped tightly in your hand as you lunged towards the risen attacking your comrades in arms. The brave weapon should lashed twice through an undead axeman rushing Maribelle while she was healing her husband.

You turned tenfold and jabbed your sword all the way through a lancer Risen ready to stab you in the heart. Screw weapon advantages! You brought your blade upwards while still is ide the necomanced corpse. The sword slashed all the way u and out of the body.

A swordsman Risen was charging you but you were able to retract your blade quick enough to block the attack. The Risen was using a power in his blow, but that power was merely nothing. You reacted quickly after his blow and with such speed you cut him down a size.

You look up and see the Risen boss throwing projectiles at one of your ally sowrdsmen who didn't converse much with other Shepards, Lon'qu. He dodged them swiftfully and went up to rush the leader but he was prepared with a larger axe to block the attack. 

You saw a Risen who was going to stab him while he was distracted. Before that could happen you lunged in and sliced downwards on the Risen and sliced back upwards. Lon'qu took the moment of shock to slice his blade through the throat of the leader, decapitating him.

You take a resting position, seeing that the Risen was ere completely anialiated from the area. You seethe you're sword in its scabbard you wore on a belt around your waist. You turn to the swordsman who was doing the same with his killing edge. He flipped himself around so he could face you.


With that, the swordsman left you there. He walked back to meet up with the other troops to receive further orders. You stared at him before walkign back like the rest. Chrom was standing I in center of the circle of Shepards.

"Alright, Shepards. As Frederick says, this area ought to be safe for a spell. Set up camp."

With the orders implanted in everyone went to set up the main tents before your own. The mess hall being the first and formost. Who would eat if thst wasn't there? Stahl, Sully, And Lon'qu helped out with the rising and setting up of the central tent of camp. Stahl most likely because he was hungry.

After that was done you decided to follow the swordsman. You used stealth to do so but he found you out pretty quick. If this was an ambush, he'd clearly survive. Either that your your presence is easy to notice.

"Who goes there?!"

He growled to the tree where you were hiding in. No use staying hidden unless you wanted to be attacked as if you were a spy. Expertly, you jumped out of the tree and landed on your feet like a cat. Your sword still seethed. You looked in his eyes, which were filled with mistrust. You didn't like that.

"What do you want?"

His voice showed every shred of hostility, yet  he didn't dare get nearer to you. You needed to fix that. You took a step forward but he took a step backwards. It was almost as if he was scared of you.

"Stay back, woman!"

Ah, so it was a gender thing. You looked at yourself. You weren't that feminine. Irma you were a modern day person you'd become a tumbler account and yell something along the lines of assuming one's gender.

"I offer no harm."

You raised your hands in an offering of peace. This man caught your interest. He never was near the other soldiers and follows orders like a mindless puppet. But he wasn't a mindless puppet, was he? Had a whole side to him he revealed to no one. That intrigued you.

"I warn you..."

He placed his hand on the handle of his sword. You began to pull out the silver killing edge stained with black Risen blood. He hasn't cleansed his sword yet. You kept your hands up. You weren't a threat. You were an allies here.

"Put the sword down."

"Then stand back!"

This man hasn't a lick of sense to him, huh? You stare blankly in his eyes. He stared back. A flash of fear hidden in his stern chocolate orbs. By the way his eyes were acting, it was hard to see he wasn't stuttering hard.

"We are allies. There is no need for a fight u less you wish to spar. Now put the sword back in it's real rihhtful position before I retire my own."

To prove it wasn't an empty threat you placed your hand on the handle of your brace sword. The man growled and seethed the killing edge. You removed your hands from the weapon and looked back at Lon'qu.

"What do you want, woman?"

His voice strict and scornful. You took a step forward once more and he took a smaller step back. You made large strides until you were in front of him. His knees locked and his mouth in a scowl revealing his teeth. Taking in his body language, something about you was triggering some awful memories. 

"Why do you hate me so much?"

He blinked at the question, burn he didn't let his guard drop. You circle down him and he followed you with his wild eyes as you walked around him slowly, similar to Howe a predator would.

"What are you implying?"

His voice was nothing but a deep, loud growl. You stopped directly in front of him and looked him dead in the eye.

"You avoid me, though I'm your ally. In fact, you avoid every everyone in this camp. You must have something against everyone, yes?"

He scoffed.

"I receive orders and follow them through. There is no need for friendships in war."

You cocked an eyebrow. Ultimately, you sighed. This was a stubborn man, there would be no convincing him unless you showed him yourself. You turned on your heels and took a few steps. Once you saw him relax in the corner of your eye you looked over shout shoulder in his eyes.

"Meet me in exactly one hour just outside of camp. I want to see your skills."

He was about to refuse but you interrupted him.

"I won't take no for an answer."

With That, you went to pitch your own tent before meeting Lon'qu for a sparring session, both using bronze swords to put yourselves at equaliberum. What surprised you is he actually attended.

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