Ryoma x reader

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Well we got a similar request to the last chapter by epicface752 again so are you ready to rock it? Probs gonna be short too. My writing sucks recently.

Welcome to the madhouse starring you, your sons, And your husband. Why today I saw different than others? Well.....

Shiro And Ryoma had made a bet over a sparring session and the loser had to do whatever embarrassing thing you had planned for them because you were a trickster, yes you were. Kana And Shiro inherited that playful side of you. Sadly Ryoma wasn't the most fun man alive. But you loved your Lobster Lord anyways.

Speaking of Lobster Lords....

Ryoma walked out of the bathroom in your family's private quarters wearing the giant suit you had Oboro make for him. Gorgeous.

Kana smirked and Shiro was already belting out laughter as the big cheese of Hoshido came out wearing a Lobster suit. You were already wearing your judge's costume. Shiro And Kana were going to be themselves.

"Darling, wait in there until I give your Cue!"

He sighed. His wife was absolutely insane. Sometimes my he questioned his love for you but other times he knew exactly why he desired you so badly. Shiro And Kana went to each side of the room and you sat on the bed. 

"Are you guys ready?"

Both son so contained their laughter as you called out:


If you remember this show say so and I will friggin LOVE you!

Ryoma reluctantly bursted through the door and you used a little recordation device to play some wacky music. He just did little awkward dance moves bringing red faces and breathlessness to his entire family.

That's why Ryoma loved you. When you laughed you snorted and it was adorable. Well, that's one reason. He sighed and did the little disco move and nobody else could breathe.

Jakob, hearing the commotion from outside, bursted into the room and saw the scene. You were flopped on your bed laughing while Kana and Shiro ere rolling on the floor. Ryoma was dancing in the middle of the room basically the Cupid shuffle. 

Silence filled the room and Jakob slowly closed the door and backed away. This caused even MORE laughter and humiliation for the High Prince, practically King of Hoshido.

The things he will do for the ones he loved.

I died writing this and I'm sorry it's so short. Seriosuly I can't even hit five hundred words anymore! GRRR!

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